‹ Prequel: Sense of A Spark
Sequel: An Unbreakable Bond

Brand New Start

Chase -Point of View-

I walked over to my husband and pulled him away from everyone " I know your not liking the idea about Greg and Angel joining in on this but they wanted too, I made it perfectly clear that at any point that they wish to leave that no one will stop them" I said.

Dean sighed and ran his fingers through his hair " Baby, don't worry, they know what their getting into.. " I said before he could speak " Trust me on this ok...granted I'd rather it be in the house..but Angel and Greg like the pool idea...lets make them happy..if thats what they want then ok" I said.

Dean looked at me,thinking before he nodded and smiled. I smiled back and kissed him deeply before running off to get ready.

.:Time Jump:.

Dean and I lead everyone out to the pool, the lights were off but the moon light things up enough to where you knew where you were going.

Everyone soon found a place and got themselves settled,this time Greg and Angel started it off which was a bit surprising to me but I smiled none the less and attached my lips to Dean, kissing him hard and passionately.

I heard moans start to fill the air,knowing everyone was in on the action now as I straddled Dean,grinding against him hard as I bit and sucked on his nipples,his hands gripping my ass,causing me to grind even harder, my moans filling the air with the others.

I pulled away to start removing my shirt and noticed that there were cloths around already from everyone,shirts mostly but there were some jeans and boxers as well for some couples.

I smiled down at Dean as I removed my cloths and his before kissing up his body again and lowering myself onto his shaft,riding him slow and hard,moaning as I gripped his chest,wanting tonight to last as long as possible.

As I rode Dean, I looked over and saw Angel kneeling between Greg's legs,moving his head up and down on his member, I moved my eyes away and looked over at Fred and Jackson...this surprised me a little, seeing Jackson on his knees,sucking deeply on Fred's member as Fred stood up,his fingers gripping Jackson's hair, Fred's head tilted back as he moaned.

I felt Dean start to thrust deeper, causing me to look back down at him before leaning my head back and moaned deeply as I gripped his chest.