‹ Prequel: Sense of A Spark
Sequel: An Unbreakable Bond

Brand New Start

Dean -Point of View-

I moaned as I thrusted myself into Chase, loving the feeling of being inside of him. It shocked the hell out of me to see that Greg and Angel started us off, but hey, I was cool with it. The moans were filling the night air and the moon made everything that much more hot. I glanced over at Shaun and Geoff, going at it on the first step that lead into the pool.

I couldn't much of anyone else, seeing how I was on my back and everyone was either blocked by Chase or behind me. I moaned Chase's name as he rode me, meeting my thrusts with his own. He bent down and kissed me deeply, still moaning like crazy.

I couldn't believe it. I had an amazing husband, four amazing kids, six awesome friends, and we were all together (well, minus two, of course) in a hot orgy in the moonlight by the pool. I kissed Chase deeply back, gripping his ass and forcing it faster and harder up and down my shaft. It felt so fucking good I could barely believe it was happening.

The moans from everyone around us made me moan even more. I don't know why the moans from Chase mixed with other peoples moans could be so hot. I pulled Chase off and he immediately got on his hands in knees. God, he knew I loved this position. I thrusted myself in him again, causing him to scream out my name. I moaned his name and started going as fast and as hard as I possibly could.

I noticed Chase's arm moving rapidly, knowing that he was pleasuring himself even more, which made me moan his name again. His head cocked back and I lightly pulled his hair, causing him to moan louder. I looked around me and saw that everyone was having a really good time, which made this night ever more better.

Time Elapse

I awoke the next morning on one of the lounge chairs, Chase laying in the one beside me. Yawning, I grabbed my shorts and slipped them on, taking a look around me. Everyone except for Geoff and Shaun were inside. I stifled another yawn and walked around to the front of the house. The mailman was just pulling away as I walked over to the mailbox.

I opened the box and pulled out the couple of envelopes that were in there. The first one was from my credit card company. Curious, I opened it up and read it, anger flooding through me in seconds. "What in the hell did they buy that would cost that much?" I asked aloud. I walked around back and headed for Chase, keeping a calm look on my face.

I finally reached him and shook him gently, his piercing green eyes looking up at me. "Hey, baby," he said, groggily.

"Hey, sweetpea," I said, a tight smile forming on my face. "Get your boxers on and meet me in the room. I need to talk to you about something ... important." He nodded and got up, put his boxers on and went into the house. I followed him a few seconds later and headed upstairs.

Getting to the room, I closed the door and looked at Chase, who was sitting on the bed Indian style. "What do you need to talk about?" he asked, oblivious to everything.

"This," I said, holding up the single piece of paper in which was the credit card bill. Chase stood up, walked over to me, and grabbed the paper. He looked at it for a moment, glanced at me, looked back at the paper, and then, as fast as he could, ran past me. He opened the door and ran, pausing to pound on Greg and Angels door.

"GREG! ANGEL! GET UP AND RUN!" he yelled, still pounding on the door. It flung open and they stuck their heads out the door.

"Why do we --" Greg started, stopping when his eyes landed on him. "He got the bill, didn't he?"

"He got the bill. NOW RUN, GODAMMIT!" Chase said, running to the stairs and down with Greg and Angel hot on his heels. I let them run a little farther, putting on a tank top and running shoes. I grabbed the baseball bat that was in the closet and headed downstairs quickly, only to see the boys still fumbling with the door.

As soon as they got it open, they ran out the door and I was right after them. Before I was too far from the house, I heard Fred say in a sing-song voice, "Dean got the bill!" I ran after them, not pausing for any reason.

A elderly woman who was on the road asked what I was doing. I simply told her, "They ran my credit card over $5,000."

"I didn't know! You never said anything about it!" Chase called back.

"You should have asked!" I yelled back, getting closer to them. They looked at each other when they got to the corner, then split up. "FUCK!" I screaming, throwing the bat in a random direction.

They may have split up, but they had to come home sometime. And it was then that my wrath was going to blow apart.