‹ Prequel: Sense of A Spark
Sequel: An Unbreakable Bond

Brand New Start

Chase -Point of View-

As soon as I thought it was safe, I texted the boys and told them where to meet me. I caught my breath. My heart was finally back to normal when Greg and Angel appeared,panting " alright guys..heres the deal...there is NO way we can return to the house anytime soon...so we're gonna join your sisters at my parents house" I said.

They nodded and I called my dad who agreed to come and get us..along with a few changes of cloths seeing as we were still in our boxers. Angel and Greg sat down beside me and we started signing to each other about everything that had happened.

.:Time Jump:.

I heard my dad pull up and I stood up with the boys, laughing as my dad tossed us a bag of cloths which we happily changed into before getting into the car with my dad " So what happened...why you three hiding at my place for the weekend?" my dad asked, rising an eyebrow.

Greg snorted in the back seat before I spoke " We umm...over charged Dean's card and he isn't to happy about it.." I muttered.

" How much did you over charge..dare I ask.." My dad muttered, earning a grumble from me.

" Five thousand.." I said, causing my dad to burst into laughter,earning a very confused look from me.

" Oh yea..your gonna be at the house for a while.." he chuckled.

.:Four hours later:.

I pulled out my phone once we all reached my parents house, Greg and Angel playing with their baby sisters as I called Dean.

"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU THREE!?" Dean exclaimed as soon as he picked up.

"I'm hiding thats where we are" I said calmly, I heard Dean grumble angerily into the phone

"WE"RE AT GRANDMA"S HOUSE!!" Anna exclaimed loudly, causing me to slap my forehead and I turned to my daughter.

"Sweetie..we're trying to hide from your father..not get ourselves killed' I said before hanging up the phone quickly and turned it off before warning the boys that their father was possibly on his way here