‹ Prequel: Sense of A Spark
Sequel: An Unbreakable Bond

Brand New Start

Dean -Point of View-

I threw the phone on the floor, and stalked back upstairs. Jackson, Shaun, Geoff and Hunter followed me almost instantly. "Dean, man. Calm the fuck down," Geoff said, his Irish accent actually calming me down a bit.

"Why? They over spent my credit limit $5,200. I am sure you'd be pissed off, too," I retorted, walking into my room and laying on the bed.

"Where are they now?" Geoff asked. God, his voice was fucking calming. I took a deep sigh, relaxing farther. I looked into the blue eyes of the Irishman, finding more comfort there.

"They're at his parents' house," I said, looking at the other three men. "Guys, you think I can talk to Geoff alone? Please?" Nodding, Jackson, Shaun and Hunter walked out of the room and closed the door behind them. "I know I have the right to be pissed, but I didn't think I'd be having the urge to kill them eating away at my sanity."

"They're teenagers, my friend," he said, sitting down beside me. "They're bound to make mistakes."

"Could they get any worse than this?" I asked, looking back at Geoff. He met my gaze and a smile formed on his flawless features.

"Definitely," he said, a small chuckle escaping him. "Remember when you did something really bad that pissed your parents off? Then doing something worse that made the thing before it seem like child's play?" I stared at him, realizing that he was right.

"Good point," I said, sitting up and grasping his shoulder. "I better go make peace, but they're going to pay it all off." Geoff nodded, getting up and walking over to the door. Opening it, he motioned me to come on.

"I'll come with you, just in case," he said, smiling. I nodded, thankful for that. We walked downstairs and were met by three pairs of eyes.

"Everything alright?" Shaun asked. Geoff nodded, causing me to nod as well.

"For now, anyway," I said, looking at Shaun. "We'll be right back. We're going to get the boys."

"We?" Shaun asked, raising an eyebrow.

"He wanted to get them," Geoff said before I could speak. "I said I'd go with him just to make sure his anger doesn't spike when his eyes land on the three of them." The guys nodded and went to join their lovers. Shaun walked over to Geoff when we reached the front door and kissed him.

"Make sure he doesn't blow," Shaun whispered. Geoff nodded and squeezed his hand before we walked out the door. Getting in Geoff's Mustang, I relaxed against the seat. When the car hit the road, I let Geoff know where to go. Not even three minutes later, I fell asleep.

Time Elapse

"Dean, we're here." Geoff's Irish accent invaded my dream I was having about ... well, Chase leaving me. I was thankful for that to be honest. I nodded and rubbed my eyes and got out of the car.

We walked up the stairs and Geoff knocked. Mrs. Greene answered. "Hello. Can I help you?" she asked. I stayed out of sight so no one could see me. Geoff smiled and sighed.

"Dean asked me to come pick the boys up. He didn't feel his mental stability was good enough to do it himself," Geoff said, thankfully no mentioning me being there.

"Oh, they're not here," she replied, making me stiffen. "They had a hunch that he -- or one of his friends, like yourself -- would be on their way to pick them up. They are still shaken by the event that took place before Tom went to pick them up." Geoff nodded.

It was then I made myself known. "Ma'am, where did they go?" I asked.

"Daddy Dean! Daddy Dean!" I heard Aurianna squeal. She wrapped her arms around me and I smiled down at her. "Hey, honey. Where did Daddy Chase go?" I asked her, having a feeling that Mrs. Greene wouldn't give their current location.

"He said it was a secret place, but he didn't say anything more," she said, looking up at me. I looked at Mrs. Greene and she just sighed and grabbed Aurianna to get her back inside.

"He said the same thing to me. Honestly," she said, closing the door. I looked at Geoff, fear spreading like wild fire through my body.