‹ Prequel: Sense of A Spark
Sequel: An Unbreakable Bond

Brand New Start

Chase -Point of View-

I knew Dean was either gonna come by himself or send someone to get us so I left with the boys to a small house that I had built in the woods a few years back,thankfully it was still perfectly intact so I knew it was safe for us.

I smiled as Angel and Greg climbed the tree up to the bulky yet stable looking tree house, once they were in, I climbed up behind them and closed the door before falling back into a beanbag chair " Dude..this place is awesome!" Greg said as he sat down,Angel leaning against him.

I smiled and nodded my head " Yea.. I built this myself a few years back..I had Fred and Michael help but other then that it was all me" I said " So..how bad do you think will be in trouble once we return Dean?" I asked.

Greg shrugged " I don't know..i mean no one else knows about this place other then uncle Fred and Uncle Michael...so I don't know.."he said as he leaned back further into the futon I had managed to bring up here with Michael's help.

.:Time Jump:.

I had fallen asleep along with Angel and Greg,my phone had turned back on and I heard it going off in my pocket, I grumbled and moved around before pulling it from my pocket and answering it " Hello..?" I answered sleepily.

"Where the hell are you?!" Dean exclaimed, I could hear the worry in his voice, I groaned and rolled over onto my back,staring up at the ceiling of my treehouse.

"Hiding for now..we're all safe" I said,yawning. Angel and Greg stirred alittle but Angel mearly snuggled closer to Greg and they both fell asleep, the sight earning a smile from me.

"Dammit Chase,please tell me where you are" I heard Dean beg over the phone.

"No, you chased us down the road with a baseball bat..do you really think I'm gonna tell you where we are? you must be crazy" I said before hanging up the phone.

Angel was looking at me worriedly, I smiled and signed for him to go back to sleep as I did the same, ignoring my phone as it rang, I got angry and put it on silent before curling back up and going back to sleep.

I woke up a few hours later and streached out before walking over to the mini frig that was there,smiling as I saw fresh food in there...Michael must have been coming up here alot then.. I thought idly as I turned on the moveable stove and started cooking for Greg,Angel and I.

As I cooked..I wondered what Dean was doing at that moment..