‹ Prequel: Sense of A Spark
Sequel: An Unbreakable Bond

Brand New Start

Dean -Point of View-

I woke to the wafting aroma of different foods, my eyes fluttering open. I looked around the room and it seemed that I was the only one in here, meaning Chase was cooking again. I smiled as I sat up and stretched, feeling something digging into one of my fingers on my left hand. I looked at my hand for a moment, all but forgetting what had happened just yesterday. It finally came flooding back to me and my smile only got bigger.

Removing the blanket away from my naked body, I stood up and made my way to the bathroom, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes as I yawned. I turned the shower on and waited for the water to warm up a bit. I looked in the mirror, my eyes seeming more bluer, my color seeming to be more prominent. Last night was absolutely amazing. The sex was only part of the reason. The other reason, you may ask. The fact that Chase was now my partner and made my life all the more better. And yesterday, it was the most magical day of my life.

I stepped into the shower and let the water fall over my body, relaxing. I put my head back, letting the water soak my hair as I reached for the shampoo, still remembering the events of the previous day. I just knew, life was only going to get more amazing as time went on.

Time Elapse

I walked out, my shirt unbuttoned and my hair pulled back. I walked to the kitchen door, leaning against the door frame as I watched Chase move about the kitchen. He had a more graceful way of moving today. As I watched him, a smile formed on my lips.

His hair was shining in the morning sun, his green eyes shining brightly. His skin seemed to have more color than the day before. I also noticed that his hair was a bit shorter; he must have cut it this morning when he woke up. I tilted my head and his jade eyes looked up at me, and he smiled warmly. "Morning, sunshine," he said, scraping some eggs onto two plates. "Sleep well last night?"

It took me a moment to answer, I was too awed by his voluptuous face. "Of course. It was the first real sleep I had in a very long time," I replied, walking into the kitchen and sitting at the counter. "And how did my love sleep?" I asked, resting my elbows on the counter top.

"Very well, thank you," he said, putting a couple pieces of sausage on each plate, as well as toast. "I would have woken you up, but you looked too peaceful that I didn't have the heart to."

"That's fine, baby. No worries. I would have done the same for you," I said, watching him pour juice. Chase didn't look like he minded doing any of this, which was astounding, seeing how some people his age still have their parents and/or guardian cook for them. It was good to know that he at least liked to cook, especially for more than one person. "Question," I said, making him look up at me as he closed the fridge.

"Shoot," he said, sitting down across from me. I looked at him for a moment before I said anything.

"I'm not going to push you or anything, seeing how it's your life," I started, biting my lip. "I was curious as to what you were going to do about school. Are you gonna drop out and go for a GED or what?"

Chase thought about it for a moment, his eyes staring down at the marble counter top as he did so. After a few minutes, he met my gaze and grinned broadly at me. "Already taken care of. I withdrew myself from school this morning and applied for online classes to finish school. I'm really wanting my diploma rather than a GED." I smiled at him, loving how he had this all under control. He handed me a plate and a fork, pushing the butter to sit in between us. "Are you still planning on teaching at the school down south?" he asked, shoveling the food into his face one bite after the other.

"I'm thinking about transferring to the high school over in town here. That way I don't have to drive eight hours every day," I replied, taking a few bites of food. I nearly moaned as the food touched my tongue. It was absolutely delicious.

"I take that look upon your face as you really like my food," Chase said, a smile in his voice. I nodded and started gulping down more, causing him to laugh out loud. I smiled and took a swig of orange juice.

"Freshly squeezed?" I asked, lifting up my glass as I looked at Chase. He smiled and nodded.

"That's how I work. If it ain't fresh juice, it ain't good juice. Sometimes anyways." I nodded as we finished up breakfast in silence.

Time Elapse

We were sprawled on the forest floor, looking up at the bright blue sky as we talked, enjoying the weather, though it was freezing. The snow was thin where we were laying, so we weren't going to be soaked when we decided to go back in.

Chase was in the middle of telling me this story about him and his friends at an amusement park when his phone went off. "Damn it!" he said, pulling his phone out as he sat up. Answering it, he said, "Hello?" A few minutes went bye and I heard his phone hit the ground. He immediately picked it up and said, "How the hell did you find out about it?" His voice was angry and freaked at the same time. "What? No! I can't!" He hung up the phone and looked down at me, his eyes watering.

"Baby .. baby, what's wrong?" I said, pushing myself up off the floor and bringing him closer to me. "Chase? What's going on?"

"My parents. They want me to annul the marriage."