‹ Prequel: Sense of A Spark
Sequel: An Unbreakable Bond

Brand New Start

Angel -Point of View-

I took a deep breath before speaking,holding Greg's hand tightly as I looked my my adopted parents.

"Greg and I were basicly born into foster care...our mother was a crack head from what we were told...Greg and I were about eight I believe when our father found us and managed to adopt us and take us home" I said softly, my voice sounded weird to me..but I wanted to tell mom and dad about why I went so long without talking..Chase nodded for me to keep going,holding my other hand and giving me a reasurring smile which I returned.

"Everything was great at first...he took us out to the park..played games with us when it was raining outside...he even bought I and Greg a puppy for our ninth birthday.."I stopped and looked at Greg,gripping his hand tightly before looking at mom and dad again "It all ended pretty quickly though....our father started acting funny around me..doing things that seemed...odd.." i watched Dean's eyes widen along with Chase's but went on.

"Greg was outside playing with the puppy when our father called me up to the room..saying he had something for me...I ran upstairs to his room...and thats when everything crashed.." I whispered,tears filling my eyes. Chase quickly joined me in the bed,holding me close as I cried,Greg gripping my hand tightly.

"Before I realized what was happening, my father had locked the door and told me to be quiet as he walked towards me..this funny look in his eyes as he pushed me against the bed..pinning me down" I choked out,gripping my moms shirt as he stroked my hair.

"Stop...Angel don't keep going.." I heard my mom say, I looked up at him. I could see the hurt....the anger in his eyes. i shook my head and decided to skip the part..knowing well they knew what happened.

"He told me that if I ever spoke a word about what happened..he'd hunt me and Greg down and kill us...I was so scared that I swore never to speak.." I whispered. I felt another hand touch me and looked over at my adopted dad.

"Angel...that will never happen to you again..I swear..Chase and I promise that you and your brother will never go to foster care again or anything..your a permant part of this family..just like your sisters" He said softly,smiling gently at me. I looked at Chase who nodded,smiling warmly at me before I hugged them both then my brother.

.:Time Jump:.

Mom and Dad had left for the time to go find me some real food since the doctor said that it was ok. Greg laid beside me in the bed,my head on his chest as he stroked my hair "Do you want to stay with them Angel?" I heard Greg ask softly. I turned my head and looked at him, nodding my head gently.

"They are so careing Greg...they didn't freak out about us being..you know..together..their not controling..granted dad has a temper..but nothing mom can't see to handle.." I whispered softly " I don't want to leave them..their the best we've ever had.." I smiled.

Greg smiled at me and hugged me gently ' I agree...even if mom is only three years older then us..." he chuckled softly as he went back to stroking my hair.

I stared at the door..waiting..for our mom and dad to come back..I was happy..something that I haven't been in a while in any of the homes the system put us in..I sat up and smiled brightly as mom and dad walked into the room together...with the rest of the guys.

"ANGEL!!! THANK GOD YOUR OK!!!" I heard uncle Fred scream and run over to me,hugging me tightly, Jackson,laughing to himself as I hugged Uncle Fred back before hugging the rest of the guys and taking the food mom and dad brought me,happily digging into it.

I sighed happily as the tasty food hit my mouth,causing everyone to laugh at me and smile. I smiled back at them and went back to eating