‹ Prequel: Sense of A Spark
Sequel: An Unbreakable Bond

Brand New Start

Chase -Point of View-

I yawned as I woke up a few hours later,looking over at the clock on the wall before streaching out on the chair,smiling at Angel who was awake and watching TV. He looked at me and smiled " Wheres Greg and your dad?" I asked,looking around. Angel shrugged and went back to watching TV.

I grumbled and stood up and walked out of the room in search of Greg and my husband,my hands shoved in my pockets.I kept walking the halls,looking around for them before I spotted them walking towards me with the twin girls.

I smiled happily and ran down the hall,gathering Anna in my arms " Mommy!" she said happily,giggling as she hugged me. I hugged her back before kissing her sister on the forehead.

"Where were you guys?" I asked,smiling at them. Greg and Dean looked at eachother then back at me and shrugged

" Getting coffee and the A-twins from your mom" Dean said,smiling. I could tell something was bothering him but didnt push it,knowing he would tell me in his own time. I nodded my head and walked back with them to Angel's room.

Greg walked back over and quickly joined his brother in the bed,Angel snuggling into him once again, I quickly realized that this seemed to be an everyday thing with these to which made me wonder if the second bed in their room was even being used.

.:Time Jump:.

Dean and I left the room with the twins as Greg helpped his brother get dressed, the doctor letting him go home. I smiled happily at Dean as he played with the twins.. I noticed that he seemed deep in thought but before I could say anything Angel and Greg walked out of the room.

" mom..dad..we're ready to go home" Greg said,holding Angel close. I nodded and smiled,leading them out to the car,holding the door open for them as they got in,closing it once they were buckled in and the twins were in their booster seats.

As Dean drove, I took his free hand "Baby..what is wrong with you?" I asked worriedly, Dean sent me a look then stared back at the road.

" I'll talk to you about it later..I don't even know for sure myself yet.." he said softly as he drove.. I sighed deeply..growing worried. My only hope is that he wasn't having second thoughts about us..about the kids...

I gathered Anna and Dean got her sister since they were asleep and we carried them up to their room,laying them down and tucking them in before leaving.

I pulled Dean into the bedroom and closed the door,pushing him down on the bed,my eyes worried " please...tell me now your not having second thoughts about us..about our family" I begged,tears filling my eyes.

Dean looked at me in shock "No! Never!" he exclaimed pulling me into his arms. " I would never have second thoughts about us Chase" he said.

I sighed in relief and snuggled into him,barely hearing Angel and Greg enter their room down the hall. I went to speak again but was cut off when Dean's cellphone went off.