‹ Prequel: Sense of A Spark
Sequel: An Unbreakable Bond

Brand New Start

Dean -Point of View-

I looked at Chase before I went to look at my phone. It was the hospital. I flipped my phone open and said, "Hello?"

"Dean Valeno?" It was the doctor who did the testing. I sighed and walked into the bathroom.

"Yes, Doc?" I said, sitting down on the edge of the tub. A few moments passed before he answered, as if wondering how to put whatever news he was about to say nicely.

He sighed and then said, "I know I said it'd be 3-10 business days before I would send you the results of the testing. I thought it'd be better if I told you over the phone so if anybody aside from yourself got the mail, they wouldn't bombard you with questions."

"Sounds good. My husband's has already started questioning me before you called, so I might as well tell him. He has the right to know," I replied, looking down at my shoes. I was nervous and excited at the same time.

"After I sent it through everything, it came back positive. Anna and Aurianna are your daughters," he said cautiously, as if afraid of how I might react. I gulped and my phone fell to the floor with a loud clang. I started breathing rapidly and my mind was whirring like crazy. "Hello? Mr. Valeno? Are you still there?" I picked up the phone and took a few deep breaths.

"Yeah, I'm here. You're absolutely sure that they're mine?" I asked, having to make sure that I heard it right. I heard him sigh again.

"I'm absolutely certain that they're yours, Mr. Valeno," he said. I closed my eyes, trying to calm my brain and my heart rate. After a few minutes, I finally was calm enough to respond.

"Thank you, Doc," I said, hanging up before he could respond to me. Taking a few more deep breaths, I stood up and walked back out into the room. Chase was waiting patiently on the bed, fumbling with his pants. "Okay, you really want to know what's been up with me?" I asked, walking over to him and sitting down next to him.

"Yeah, you seemed a bit tight for the rest of the time we were at the hospital," he said, looking up at me with curiousness in his eyes. I sighed as I looked at him and moved a bit of hair from his eyes.

"Your mom wanted me to do a DNA test for the A-Twins. She said they had similar bone structure to me and she said her curious nature just wanted to be sure if I was or not," I started, getting a low chuckle. "What?"

"How can they be yours? You would have known if they were or not before that whole ordeal," he said, a smile still on his face. "Normally, all woman tell the last person they had sex with that they're pregnant."

"Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't," I muttered, looking at the floor. "That was the doctor who conducted the testing. And he told me something I can't begin to explain to myself."

"And what was that?" Chase asked, a bit of worry in his curious voice. I looked at him and thought how to say the words without sounding too freaked or too excited. I studied the fullness of his lips, the waves of his hair, the beautiful green of his eyes. After a few minutes, I finally answered him.

"He told me that the girls .... are mine. He said there was no mistaking it. I am their real father." Chase stared at me, not speaking. I heard his breathing pick up a bit as his eyes never left mine.