‹ Prequel: Sense of A Spark
Sequel: An Unbreakable Bond

Brand New Start

Chase -Point of View-

I stared at Dean,taking in what he told me,so many emotions running through me that I wasn't sure which one to react with until anger flooded me "What the hell did you just say?" I asked, stepping away from Dean. I saw the shocked look in Dean's eyes as he reached for my hand,which I quickly pulled away.

"The twins..Anna and her sister...are mine..." He whispered, I could see the hurt in his eyes when I pulled away from him.

"How in the hell did you not know about this Dean?!" I exclaimed,taking another step back,making sure I was completely out of reach. I watched as tears filled Dean's eyes.

"I-I don't know...she never told me that she was pregnant..." He whispered. I glenched my fists, I knew he had been with woman before me..not having been completely gay..only Bi..but just hearing this..now of all times..was killing me.

"Of course not...well Dean..you need to call up this woman and tell her that you know" I said "I want those girls to know your their real father..I can't fucking believe this shit...after everything.." I turned and walked out of the bedroom,slamming the door behind me. I needed to walk..think and clear my head about what I just heard.

I heard Dean call for me but I kept walking..maybe now he'll realize how I felt everytime he walked out on me when I really needed him..I thought as I walked out to the pool and sat down,staring into the water.

"Mom...is everything ok?" I heard Greg speak behind me,Angel attached to his arm as they looked at me, they both looked worried. I nodded my head and waved them over. Once they were over and sat down I told them what Dean had told me.

"I know...I was with them when they got tested...Grandma brought it up..saying something about how she see's Dad in the twins.." Greg said softly,once I finished. Angel however looked shocked and glared at Greg for not telling him what had happened. Greg just shrugged.

I sighed deeply and fell back in the lawn chair,staring up at the sky "What should I do guys?" I asked softly. I felt someone sit beside me and I looked over and saw Angel was beside me.

"Talk to dad..he needs you.." He whispered,smiling at me..no one was making him talk, I promised him that if he wanted to stay a mute that was fine with me, I wasn't gonna make him do otherwise.

I sat up after a few and nodded,standing up and walking back into the house and up stairs to the bedroom,walking in and standing in front of Dean "Baby..." I whispered,stepping forward and wrapping my arms around him tightly.

I felt Dean wrap his arms around my waist,pulling me into his lap as he cried "Chase..I swear I didn't know about them...we broke apart once I got the teaching job...she never told me she was pregnant or anything" he cried.

" I know Dean...I'm not mad anymore..." I said then chuckled "I guess I was just jealous that some woman got ahold of you before I did..." I grinned,earning a laugh from Dean who nodded.

I pushed Dean down onto the bed,stradding him " Look...things will get better...Don't call her and let her know you have the twins...I don't want some bullshit drama to come up over that..." i said, Dean gave me a questioning look.

" I don't want her trying to get back into the girl's lives just because you have them..and I don't want her to suddenly go to court and file for custady of the twins because your married to me...its better if she doesn't know you have them" I said.

Dean nodded his head before pulling me down into a kiss,which I gladly returned before rolling off and snuggling into him. Dean smiled and got out of the bed,getting undressed and turning off the lights before getting back in bed,once I undressed as well.

I snuggled against Dean again,covered warmly by the bundle of blankets as I fell easily into sleep,my anger completely gone at this point..the only sound I heard was the sound of my husband's heart..keeping in perfect time with mine.

.:Time Jump:.

" MOM!!!!!!! ANNA WONT COME OUT OF HER ROOM!!!!" I awoke to Greg screaming down the hall,banging on the door. I grumbled and climbed out of the bed and out the room,over to the door.

"Anna! Come out of your room please" I asked nicely,leaning against the door,yawning as Greg and Anna's sister stood in front of me, Angel was around somewhere I was sure..though it was odd to see Greg without him..I shrugged it off and stayed with the task at hand.

"NO! I don't wanna!" Anna cried from her room, I heard something being thrown.

"Anna Rose Valeno! come out of your room now or I will get your father!" I said, I heard shuffling then the door open. I looked down and moved away as she walked out and attached herself to her sister,looking up at me.

"Good girl..now..you and your sister will take your baths and get ready,just like your brother asked you too, i'll be down stairs making you guys breakfast" I said,Anna and her sister nodded before running off,Greg hot on their heels.

I sighed and made my way down stairs to find Angel pouring coffee, I smiled and snagged the cup from him,kissing his forehead along the way as I started pulling out things for breakfast as I sipped the dark drink..curse my husband for getting me hooked on this...

Angel pouted at me before smiling and hugging me good morning "Wanna help me cook?" I asked,earning a not so pleaset look from my son " Let me guess...you don't know how right?" I chuckled,earning a nod from Angel

I smiled brightly and pulled him to the stove "What kind of mother would I be if I didn't teach my family how to cook" I said,earning a smile from Angel as I started teaching him,waving at the guys as they all walked in.