‹ Prequel: Sense of A Spark
Sequel: An Unbreakable Bond

Brand New Start

Dean -Point of View-

I awoke to someone knocking and then the opening to the bedroom door. "Dad?" It was Greg. I opened my eyes and looked towards him. He was dressed and bright eyed. I smiled at him.

"Hey, Greg," I said, sitting up and running my hand through my hair as I yawned. "What's up? Everything okay?" He sat down on the bed in front of me, facing me. That worried me a bit. He must have seen the worry.

"Nothing's wrong. Everything is fine. Swear!" he said, which made me smile. Greg freaking out like that was adorable. "Just came to say that breakfast is ready, so you need to get your ass downstairs pronto before Mom starts freaking out," he said, smiling at me and getting up.

I swung my legs off the bed and followed him out the door. Anna and Aurianna were chasing each other down the hall, their giggles pervading the air. I smiled as I walked along side of Greg, who was lost deep in thought. I didn't bother asking him what was on his mind; if he wanted to talk, he would. No point of pressuring him.

We got downstairs and everyone was hanging out eating in the living room. I walked over to the coffee pot and poured me a cup. "Morning, love," Chase said, wrapping his arms around me from behind. I placed the pot back on it's holder and rubbed Chase's arms.

"Morning, sweetheart," I said, taking a long swig of coffee. I turned around and planted a kiss on Chase's lips, in which he gladly returned. After pulling away, I looked at him and smiled. "Any food left?" I asked.

"Yep. Made sure there was some left for you," he said, walking over to the microwave and pulling out a plate. After he closed the door, he grabbed a fork and handed me my plate. "Here we are, fresh out of the microwave." I laughed as I took the plate and joined the others in the living room. I sat in front of the couch on the floor in between Shaun and Fred, both still digging into their food.

I set my coffee on the table before me and started eating, listening to the jokes being thrown back and forth. It was good being surrounded my good, close friends. I laughed at some of the shit that was being said, nearly choking on my food. Today was already starting off good. Let's just hope it stays that way.

Time Elapse

I was showered and dressed, and now I was heading back downstairs. Everyone was either watching TV, in the entertainment room, or in the pool. I walked over to Chase and kissed him. "I'm heading down to the school to transfer up here. Want to come with me?" I asked. He looked at me for a moment.

"Sure. But I'll have to stay out of sight," he said, drying his hands. Throwing the towel on the rack to dry, he called, "Angel! Greg! Anna! Aurianna! Come here!" He looked at me and smiled. "They might as well come with us. I don't know how much we can trust six grown men with four underage kids." I nodded, completely agreeing with him. My friends were trustworthy, but not that trustworthy. And I don't know about his friends.

The four kids came in and looked at Chase and me. "What's up?" Greg asked, picking up Aurianna.

"I'm heading to the high school down south that I currently work at. I'm going to transfer up here so I don't have to drive eight hours five days a week. You're coming with us," I said, grabbing my keys off of the key hanging thing. "So, boys, help get the girls situated, alright?" They nodded and headed out the door to the car. Chase and I soon followed, letting the guys know we were going to be gone for most of the day.

Time Elapse

We were heading off the freeway and towards the school when Angel said something. "You two lived here?" Chase looked back at him, smiling.

"Yep. He was actually my teacher. That's how we met," he said, causing the boys to look at the both of us. "Surprising news, isn't it?" They both nodded and smiled.

"We're here!" I said, pulling into a space, putting the car in park, and turning it off. I got out, followed by Greg and Angel. "You're staying with the girls, correct?" I asked Chase before closing my door. He nodded and smiled at me, causing m to smile in return. "Alright," I said closing the door and heading for the school. "Let's go, boys," I said to my beloved sons. We walked into the school, causing quite a few eyes to land on me, Greg and Angel instantly.