‹ Prequel: Sense of A Spark
Sequel: An Unbreakable Bond

Brand New Start

Chase -Point of View-

I watched as Dean walked up to the front office with Greg and Angel, everyone around then staring..I laughed softly as I walked away witht the A-twins,deciding to find some of my old friends before leaving,wanting to say bye at least.

"Chase! Chase!!" I heard screaming behind me, I turned around,balancing Anna on one hip and holding her sister's hand in the other,keeping them close, I smiled when I saw James and the rest of my old basketball group run up to me.

"Hey guys,what's up?" I asked,smiling at Anna as she gripped my shirt tightly.

" Dude...who are the twins?" Martin asked,gazing at Anna and her sister. I smiled lightly before answering.

" This is my daughter Anna and her sister Aurianna" I answered,calmly,earning shocked looks from everyone.

"Your daughters?! When did this happen?" James exclaimed,pulling me aside with the rest of the guys, I laughed as Anna started poking Martin in the cheek,giggling.

" A few days ago actually....I got married and we adopted" I said,earning even more shocked looks from the guys.

"Wait..hold up..your married?!" Josh exclaimed,popping into view behind Martin,who happened to be his boyfriend. I nodded,smiling "Who did you marry!?" he asked.

"I can't tell you guys that..but I also have two 15 year old twin sons as well..their with their father right now..around here somewhere" I said before gathering Aurianna in my arms and walking off with the guys,the questions flying at me from everywhere.

.:Time Jump:.

I was standing out by the car when Greg and Angel ran up to me,laughing as Dean suddenly appeared behind them,panting and out of breath. I raised my eyebrow at them " What did you two do?" I asked,kinda scared of the answer.

" These two thought it would be funny to run down the halls while everyone was in class and I had to chase them down all the way out here" Dean panted heavily,leaning against the car. I laughed.

" Good..you needed the run" I grinned,winking at him before leaning over and kissing him gently and getting the A-twins into their car seats before Greg and Angel got into the car as well. I smiled and climbed into the passanger seat and buckled up as Dean pulled away from the school.

I waved at my friends who were standing outside on the road, having got out of school early, Martin,James and Josh stared at Dean in shock as we drove past them,Danial was laughing beside James.

Dean looked at me and raised an eyebrow at me before looking back at the road "What was all that about baby?" he asked

I smiled and took his hand in mine " Oh nothing...just saying bye to old friends" I said before staring out the window as Dean took us all home.