‹ Prequel: Sense of A Spark
Sequel: An Unbreakable Bond

Brand New Start

Dean -Point of View-

We arrived home and were now carrying two sleeping girls up to their room. Chase put Anna in her bed as I put Aurianna in hers. Quietly walking out, we headed to the room to change into our swim trunks.

"When do you start teaching here?" Chase asked as we headed down the stairs. I looked at him for a moment, knowing he was only curious. I smiled and then looked down.

"I start Monday. I am going to take Greg and Angel with me and enroll them. They should at least finish school," I said, heading to the back door. Chase linked his arm with my own, resting his head on my bicep. As we walked outside to join the others, I noticed Angel and Greg were snuggled up on one of the lounge chairs. Shaun and Geoff were sitting in the hot tub off to the side pool, talking and smiling at each other. Fred, Michael, Hunter and Jackson were splashing each other and joking around in the deep end of the pool.

I threw my towel on one of the lounge chairs, jogging up to the diving board and taking my place at the end. I bounced a few times and then dived in, causing a major splash to get everyone. Under the water, I could hear them laughing, which caused me to smile as best as I could. I broke the surface and grinned at everyone. It was then that everyone else who weren't in the pool to dive in.

Once everyone was in, I realized the pool was just barely big enough to hold everyone. "Hey, guys. Want to go to the cliff? We'll have more room there," I said, getting shouts of agreement. "Alright! Let's --" I stopped, only to realize the girls were still asleep upstairs. "Chase, call your mom and have her come get the A-Twins." Chase nodded and jumped onto the ledge, then headed inside.

Time Elapse

After Chase's mom came and got the sleeping beauties, we piled as many people in the least amount of cars as we could and took off. It was a forty-five minute drive from the house to the cliff.

Once we arrived, everyone piled out and ran for the cliff. Four at a time, we all jumped in. When everyone was surfaced, we were all cracking up and splashing each other. "Why don't we do this more often?" Shaun said, as he sent a big splash of water towards Fred, who squealed and hit him right back.

"Because ... no one said anything!" I said, going down into the water to avoid being splashed by Greg and Angel. I came back up and moved my hair away from me face. "Guys! We really need to snorkel sometime," I said, getting weird looks from everyone. "Last time I was here with Chase, I dived pretty deep down and saw a cave a few hundred feet down that way." I pointed behind me.

"Really? Underwater cave?" Geoff asked, his eyes brightening up with excitement. I smiled and nodded, knowing perfectly well that he loved the underwater society. "Tomorrow! We doing it tomorrow!" he said, clapping happily.

"Hey, guys," Chase said, causing everyone's attention to turn to him. "Meet me in the woods about 50 feet south from here. I want to tell you all something ... in song," he said, smiling. Everyone nodded and started swimming to shore.

As we walked up to the cliff edge, I wrapped my arms around Chase's neck from behind and smiled. "I love you so much, Chase," I whispered, kissing the top of his wet head. He looked up at me and smiled, puckering his lips. I kissed him, getting a kiss back.

"I love you too, Dean. So fucking much," I smiled and kissed him again. When we got to the cars, Chase opened the trunk of my car and pulled out the acoustic guitar that one of the guys left at the house. "Alright, that way!" Chase said, jogging into the woods.

Everyone laughed and followed him. We soon came upon a little makeshift stage with battery powered lights and a makeshift backdrop made from wood and an off-white cotton comforter.

Chase got on the stage and faced everyone, a smile plastered to his face. He started to play and everyone watched him. All the couples around me pulled themselves together. I felt uncomfortable, having my partner on the stage and me being only about three feet away. Greg and Angel must have noticed because they soon came up to me and wrapped their arms around my waist. I rested an arm on both their shoulders and looked up as Chase started to play.