‹ Prequel: Sense of A Spark
Sequel: An Unbreakable Bond

Brand New Start

Shaun -Point of View-

I kissed Geoff as he handed the guitar off to me. Walking on the stage, I turned to face the people that were not a permanent part of my life. It took me a moment, but I realized I wanted to have three others singing with me. "Dean, Jackson, Fred? Mind coming up here and singing with me?" I asked, causing a few people to cheer.

They all walked up on stage and stood on either side of me. "The song I chose to do is more for all of you, but I want to sing this personally for Geoff," I said, smiling at everyone. They clapped as I started to strum, the music causing me to close my eyes.

"He said lets change our luck
This night is all we got
Drive fast until
We crash this dead-end life
Sweet dreams that won't come true
I'd leave it all for you
Brick walls are closing in
Let's make a run tonight

Blinded by the lights
Hold you through forever
Won't let you go
'Cause if you jump I will jump too
We will fall together from the buildings ledge
Never looking back at what
We've done
We'll say it was love
'Cause I would die for you on Skyway Avenue

He said don't change your mind
Let's leave this town behind
We'll race right off the cliff
They will remember this
It all got so mundane
With you I'm back again
Just take me by the hand
We're close to the edge.

As we sang the song, I saw Angel and Greg link hands and start dancing around. I smiled and put the guitar down as everyone started singing. Everyone grabbed their partners and started singing.

I grabbed the guitar and we all started running through the woods back to the ledge. Once getting back to the cars, I set it down next to Dean's car. I joined the others by the ledge as they started singing the last chorus.

All our arms were linked, and our words pervaded the air around us.

"Cause if you jump, I will jump too
We will fall together from the buildings ledge
Never looking back at what we've done
We'll say it was love
Cause I would die for you on Skyway Avenue
So what's left to prove
We have made it through.

As the last line escaped our mouths, we all leaped over the ledge and splashed in the water below.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it's a bit short,
but you know it doesn't happen much. :)

Song Credit goes to: We the Kings
Song Title: Skyway Avenue