‹ Prequel: Sense of A Spark
Sequel: An Unbreakable Bond

Brand New Start

Dean -Point of View-

Chase and I were shirtless and working at each other's pants when yelling broke us apart. We stumbled off the bed, nearly falling over each other as we jogged for the door. Angel was storming off down the stairs and Greg slammed their door shut. We looked at each other, mirrored looks of worry on our faces.

"You take Angel. I'll go talk to Greg," I said. Chase nodded in agreement and headed for the stairs. I fixed my pants and walked over to Angel and Greg's door, knocking lightly. "Greg, it's Dad. May I come in?" The door immediately and I was pulled in. Greg shut the door and locked it. "What's going on?" I asked, turning around to face him.

I watched him as he climbed the ladder, sitting down near the window. He looked at me with a look of utter sadness, which I saw was a bit angry as well. "Will you come up here and sit with me?" he asked softly. I nodded and climbed up the ladder, sitting down next to where he was. He laid his head on my shoulder. "We've never fought like this before."

"First, if you're up for it, tell me what started it," I said, resting my head on his. He took a deep breath before he spoke, I guess trying to clear his head a bit.

"He and I were cooking, joking back and forth about different things. You know, brotherly type things," he started. I nodded, letting him know I was listening and that I was here for him. "Then out of nowhere, he tells me we should sneak out within the next couple of days and go back to the foster home."

"What?" I said, completely shocked. I felt Greg sobbing more than hearing him. I wrapped my arms around him and held him for awhile. I didn't say anything, I just held him. After a few moments, I asked, "What made him say that? What was your response?"

"He claimed that he was afraid of your temper ... which I agreed," Greg replied, sniffling. "You're pretty freaky when you're angry. I told him it was just because we over did it on the credit card, that it wasn't a common thing. But he wouldn't listen." He took a few deep breaths and looked up at me. "I don't want to go back there. Living here with you and Mom, it's been the first real home we've had in all our lives. You've given us something we can believe in. And he wants to throw it all away."

I was about to respond to him when Chase started pounding on the door. I sighed, and pulled myself away from Greg. "I'll be right back." He nodded and I went down the ladder. When my feet hit the floor, I headed for the door.

I unlocked the door and swung it open. "Thanks a fucking lot, Dean!" Chase yelled, anger pouring off of him in waves. "Thanks to your fucking anger, Angel wants to leave. And from that little confession he made to Greg, they're now mad at each other."

"Chase, calm down," I said, trying to reason with him. "We can talk this through in a calm and controlled way." He just glared at me and walked into the room, Angel soon following him. They sat on one of the beds, and I made my way up to Greg again. "Alright, from what Greg tells me, you don't want to be around if my temper should go off. Is that correct, Angel?" Angel nodded, not meeting my gaze.

"Don't get me wrong, Dad. You and Mom taught me that I can just be me, and that my past shouldn't chain me down as it has for the last few years. But ... I hate it when people get mad at me ... especially when it was an accident."

"Chase, Greg, I would like to talk to Angel alone, if that's okay?" I said, looking at the three of them. Greg got down and Chase stood up, both walking over and out the door. "Angel, sweetheart," I said, climbing down the ladder ... again. I walked over to him and knelt down in front of him. Tears were streaming down his face and his eyes were cast to the side. "I'm sorry if I scared you. My anger just gets the best of me on rare occasions and I can't think straight. I would never get mad at you unless there was a good reason."

"I know. I just don't want to fuck up again, and cause you to become angry at me," he whispered, meeting my gaze. I thought for a moment, wondering how I was going to phrase what I was about to say.

"If you truly want to go back to the foster home, and there is no way me, Greg, or your mom can do to stop you, then just let me know. I don't want you staying here if you don't feel at home," I said, causing him to nod. "Just know, the door is always open if you ever decide you want to stop by or want to come back, okay?" Again, he nodded. He wrapped his arms around me, and squeezed me tight.

Hugging him back, I vaguely heard the door open. After a moment, Angel and I pulled apart, looking at who came in. It was Chase and Greg. "Guys, I've made my decision on what I want to do," Angel said, looking mainly at Greg.

"What?" Greg said, his eyes watering. He was shaking as he made his way over to his twin and me. "What are you going to do?"

"I've decided ... to go back to the foster home. I'm not asking you to come with me, Greg. What you want to do is up to you. I just want to be away for a while, clear my head. There's a good chance I might come back, but right now, I think it'd be best if I go back. For a little while."

Greg nodded and hugged his brother. "I'll be here waiting for you, love," he whispered, kissing Angel on the cheek. Angel stood up and looked at me.

"Anytime you're ready, Dad," he said. At that, he turned and walked out the door, waiting for me to follow and take him back to the one place he's been for most of his life.