‹ Prequel: Sense of A Spark
Sequel: An Unbreakable Bond

Brand New Start

Chase -Point of View-

I stood at the doorway,watching Dean pull away with my son,taking him back to foster care,tears streaming down my face as I closed the door. I turned around and looked brifly at Greg before hugging him tightly.

I pulled away from him and walked up to the bedroom, I changed and pulled on my shoes before walking back downstairs,leaving without a word as the door closed behind me, I barely heard my name being called as I started walking.

After what seemed like only miutes but was a few hours,I found myself back at the lodge,staring at it before walking around back and into the woods,my hands in my pocket and my head down. I couldn't believe Angel was gone...I hoped that he would come back...I was glad Greg stayed but it wasn't the same without them both.

.:Time Jump:.

I finally lifted my head and found myself facing a large tree, I gripped the branches and started climbing as high as I could go,ignoring my phone as it rang in my pocket,I knew it was either Dean or one of the guys..maybe even Greg but I didn't care at the moment..I just wanted a break..from everything.

Once I reached as high as I could get, I moved around alittle and finally sat down,staring out into the wilderness,letting the tears fall again as I took everything in. I leaned back against the tree and closed my eyes.before I knew it,sleep had taken over.

.:Time Jump:.

I jerked awake when I heard something beside me, I looked to myside and saw Specs,causing a small smile to cross my face as I gently reached out and petted him "Hi there...I haven't seen you in a while" I whispered before looking out into the darkening sky.

I heard Specs take off and then my phone ring again not moments later,I looked down at it and saw that it was Dean,taking a deep breath I answered it,placing the phone to my ear. "I'm fine, don't worry..I just fell asleep" I said before he could speak.

"Where the hell are you?" he asked, I could hear the worry in his voice, I looked around a bit before sighing.

"About a few miles from the lodge" I said,sighing softly asn I leaning back against the tree again,watching Specs as he flew around the trees.

"I'm coming to get you,dont move" Dean said,I heard the front door of the house close and then the car start.

"Yea sure...I won't climb down from a thirty something foot tree" I muttered,realizing just how high I had actually climbed.

"WHAT!?" Dean exclaimed as he drove,causing me to laugh softly.

"Don't be so freaked out..I've climbed higher" I said,letting my legs dangle down the tree as I sat there "I'll see you when you get here" I said before hanging up. I shoved my phone into my pocket and started climbing my way down.

I was half way down when my foot sliped and before I could grab another branch, I started sliding down,smacking into the branches below me,landing on the ground with a soild thud as everything went black