‹ Prequel: Sense of A Spark
Sequel: An Unbreakable Bond

Brand New Start

Dean -Point of View-

I was pacing around the living room of the lodge, Chase completely clouding my thoughts. I missed him. He had became a part of me and it bugged me that he wasn't in arms length at the moment. I hoped everything was going good, that nothing was getting out of hand.

Needing to know what was going on at the moment with him, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and flipped it open, bringing up the messages. I opened up the last message Chase sent me and hit reply.

Hey, everything going good down there?? I don't want to sound clingy or anything, I am just wondering. I'm going insane not having you near me right now. If anything goes wrong, just let me know. I'll haul ass to come get you.

I hit send and flopped down onto the couch, laying my head back and waiting for Chase to reply. Before I could think another thought, my eyes closed and I was out.

Time Elapse

I awoke at the sound of my phone going off. Blinking, I looked down at my phone and noticed it was Chase. Flipping it open and pressing it to my ear, I groggily said, "Hey."

"Hey, baby, you get my reply?" he asked, a smile in his voice. I pulled my phone away and saw the message symbol blinking at the top. "Let me guess, you'll call me back once you read it?"

"Fucking mind reader," I mumbled, causing a laugh from him to explode in my ear. "I'll talk to you in a few, babe," I said, hanging up as soon as he said okay. Going to my messages, I opened the new one.

Everything is alright. Parents are still assholes, but I doubt that'll change anytime soon. I don't think you're being clingy, I would have done the same thing cause I'm going nuts being away from you too. Nothing wrong has happened yet, though my parents set me on a blind date with a girl, claiming I was --

The message ended and I opened the other one, reading the rest of it.

--confused, which is utter bs. I know what I am and nothing is going to change that. Well, I'll keep you updated with the events that happen around here. I love you. :)

I called Chase back almost immediately, only to have him answer on the second ring. "They set you up on a blind date .... with a girl?" I asked before he could said hello. I heard him laugh to himself softly.

"Yeah. Don't get me wrong, she was a sweet and pretty girl, but I'm fully gay and married to an amazing man, who I just happen to be talking to right now." I smiled at that, knowing full well that he was causing the slow erection down south.

"Damn you for being so far away," I mumbled, palming my member softly. "You're causing me problems."

"Oh really? Well just thinking of you earlier, I had to take care of that myself. And it wasn't as fun as if you were with me." I thought about him in the shower pleasuring himself and got harder as the image popped in my head. I moaned into the phone and he gasped. "Are you really doing that without me?"

"Who says I am doing it without you? Never hurt to have a little phone fun while we're apart."