Status: Finished! Sequel coming soon

I Miss You, I'm So Sorry



The three teenage boys were standing in front of their best friends locked bedroom door. They looked at each other, not really knowing what to do. Suddenly the tallest one turned around and slammed his fists against the door.

“Alex! Open up!” He yelled. They waited a few seconds, but didn’t get a response. Jack continued to slam his fists against the door. “Goddamnit Alex. It’s been three whole days. You can’t stay in there forever!” He yelled. He heard a muffled sound from behind the closed door and finally got a soft “Go away!”, that sounded like something between a yell and sob.

They all tried to convince Alex to open his door for several minutes, but without any success. “He’s not gonna open you know.” Zack stated. “I know.” Rian mumbled. But Jack refused to give up, he still had one last thing he could try. “Alex, it’s her funeral today. You have to get up.” He hated to bring it up, but they were desperate.

Jack was convinced this would work, but the door stayed close. Rian put a hand on his friends shoulder. “Come on Jack, we have to go, or we’re gonna be late for the funeral.”


Several hours later they were back. Jack was furious, he stormed up the stairs, the spare key of Alex room in his hand. Without hesitation he unlocked the door and threw it open. “You fucking asshole. How could you? How could you not show up at her funeral!?” He screamed. Jack knew Alex was heartbroken, but he’d expected him to at least go to her funeral.

He stood there in the middle of the room and looked at the mess that was his best friend. Alex was sitting on his bed staring at the wall, still in the same clothes he’d worn three days ago, his hair messier then normal and his chocolate brown eyes were red and puffy from crying.

Jack calmed down immediately went he saw how much his friend was hurting. He sat down next to Alex and put a hand on his shoulder, forcing him to look at him. “Alex.” He said softly. “She gone Alex. You have to try to except that.”

Alex snapped his eyes up to his best friend, it was like he only just now realized Jack was there in the room with him. He stared at him for a few seconds and suddenly felt the anger boiling up inside him. “No!” He screamed and pulled his hair in frustration. “You’re lying! She’s not dead. She can’t be! She just can’t be.” He push Jack away and stormed passed Rian and Zack, out of the room.


Alex wandered around town without any destination or sense of direction. It was end September, but it was already very chilly outside. Somehow Alex ended up at the graveyard, the first thing that caught his eye were the white roses that covered almost the whole stone of the grave it was standing on. It felt like he lost control of his body, it was like some unseen force pushed him closer to that grave.

He kneeled down in front of it and carefully pushed away the flowers so he could read the name on the headstone.

Lily Maria Johnson

It was then that it finally hit him. She was gone, really gone and she wasn’t coming back.....
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey everyone, this is my new story (yes I know, it;s another AWG fanfic, but I don't care, I love writing them).

It's active, but a bit slow for two reasons:
One: I'm still writing this and two: It's kinda a side project, my main focus right now is my other story. But that will probably change once I get some feedback on this one.

Hope you guys like this story. <3 Please comment and subscribe <3

Love, Felicia

Oh. Has anyone heard All Time Low's new Christmas song?? I love it. "Merry Christmas KISS MY ASS!" <3