A Twist of Fate


Five years ago I was a naive 18 year old girl, fresh from high school. Before that I was parentless, addicted to drugs, stabbed, and lost. I didn't know of any place I could turn to for help, and I only trusted my brothers, and the ex love of my life.

Things were awful back then, filled with twists and turns in the darkness, from which I know now, I never fully recovered from. Bad things seemed good and good things seemed apalling.

I didn't have a troubled childhood, only a rough road to adulthood, right there in the folds of time, where anything can happen and those same events determined what sort of person I turned out to be.

I still felt the heartbrake to this day. The stiff, uncomfortable feeling of rejection, penetrated deep under my skin and buried itself in my DNA. The pain was a part of me now, duplicating just as fast as the cells in my body do.

The facts pointed to me, an emotional wreck.

I closed the scrapbook I kept of My Chemical Romance. Every newspaper or magazine article, picture, and ticket stub I could get my hands on, were in this scrapbook. Not one person could tell me I knew nothing about my brothers and their band, because I knew. I followed every move they made. They are my family after all.

But of course, I learned from fans, and interviewers in the UK. I never once talked to my brothers after that day at the airport. I refused to. I was my own person now.

"Emily?" My husband, Jake, called out for me somewhere downstairs. We had been married for a year, after having met in college. He was my one true love now, the only thing that made me happy.

I got up from the closet floor and walked out into our bedroom, where I went to the nightstand and pulled open the bottom drawer. My hand clasped around a little, orange container. Depression medication, as perscribed by my therapist.

I popped open the lid and took two.

"Emily?" Jake poked his head into the room, "There you are. Are you ready?"

I nodded and put the bottle back into the drawer. It was time to go to the opening of my new photography studio.