A Twist of Fate

Sick feelings

I sat back down next to my husband and took his hand in mine. He looked at me in a confused manner and I smiled.

“Where’s Frank?” Bob asked, and I replied, “Still outside.”

I turned back to my husband, “We need to go home.” He furrowed his eyebrows.

“Is everything okay?” I nodded, but I wasn’t too entirely sure. I had begun to feel pain in my lower back and stomach. The room seemed to be getting warmer and warmer with each passing minute. It was getting hard to breathe.

“Okay.” He nodded.

“Are you guys leaving?” Ray asked. He had been listening to us or something.

“Yeah.” Jake said for the both of us.

“We should be going too.” Gerard said, because Mia was asleep in his arms. I was guessing that it was about 9 pm.

I was beginning to feel the pain go farther up my torso. D*mn it was hot in here.
My stomach was churning, but not in a good way and I ran from Jake’s grasp to get to the bathroom. I burst through the door, and ran into the first open stall I saw.

I leaned over the toilet and spilled the contents of my stomach. It burned my throat, and brought tears to my eyes. The pain was so bad.

I felt someone lean down next to me, and pull back my hair. It felt a gentle, feminine, touch on my back.

I caught my breath after I was done and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand.

“Are you okay?” Jenn asked. I shook my head, “What’s wrong?”

“I think I need to go to the hospital.” I turned to look at her and her eyes got wide.

“Oh, you’re so pale.” She said, “Okay, I’ll go get Jake.”