A Twist of Fate


The next morning, I lay on the couch, begging to get out of the apartment. I waited until Jake had exited to the kitchen, before I get Jenn's attention.

"Jenn, you're my new buddy right?" I asked her, and she looked at me with an amused expression.

"Sure." She said, "But I'm not getting you out of this apartment."

"Whyyy?" I whined.

"Becuase you need to rest." At that moment, Isabella started to get fussy in her arms. Jenn sighed and grabbed the diaper bag, "Mia, stay with Emily while I go change Bella's diaper."

The little girl did as she was told and toddled up to the couch, where she proceeded in climbing onto the couch and onto my lap. I stroked her hair, while she sucked her thumb and cuddled. Now I knew why her and Frank got along so well. They're both cuddlers.

Dora the Explorer was playing on the tv. Has anyone else noticed how annoying kids shows are? I don't know how Jenn puts up with it all the time, but I guess it's not really her choice, kind of like it won't be my choice when I have my baby.

Mia looked so involved with the show, as her eyes wondered the screen set across the room. She looked up at me, with her beautiful hazel eyes, "Dada?" She pointed towards the window. I assumed she was asking me about her father.

"Sweetheart, he's at Uncle Bob's house for band practice." I guessed she understood and was content with the answer, because she turned back to the screen.
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Just a filler.