A Twist of Fate

Knowledge is power

A little later in the afternoon, the band came rolling into my apartment.

"Dada!" Mia cried when she saw her father enter the room. He tried her best to get off of my lap, and then the couch quickly, but was failing. Gerard waited patiently with a msile on his face, while his daughter made her way down carefully. When she did, she toddled over to her father, and he crouched down with open arms for her to run into.

I loved the way they looked, as Gerard hugged her and kissed the top of her head.

Was Jake going to act that way with ours? He had had to go to the office today, because he was working some major case that deserved a lot of his attention. And I know he wasn't cheating on me...so nobody get any ideas.

They all sat around the room, and Mia had moved from Gerard to sit on Frank's lap.

I looked at him as he did what I had earlier. He rang his fingers through her hair, and watched Go Diego Go with her, as that was what was playing now.

I guess I had lost track of how long I was staring at Frank because I heard someone saying my name, "Emily." I looked over to see Ray, "why are you staring at Frank?' I swear this guy had no idea.

Frank looked in my direction, but his eyes were cold and unforgiving. Meanwhile, the heat rushed to my face and I felt the pink surface on my cheeks.

“No reason.” I said. I could still feel Frank’s gaze as he looked at me from across the room. Everyone else had returned to normal conversation. I looked back at Frank and he smiled a little.

I could see his eyes. They sparkled and danced, and sang out his love for me. I began to have one of those weird experiences again, where I didn’t know what I felt. My heart was beating faster and my palms were sweating. This happened every time I saw Frank. I couldn’t remember a time when I felt this way with Jake. With Jake, love was just a fact, three simple words that stated that that’s how I felt. With Frank, those same words were never enough to get across the feeling. There was always more that had to be explained, yet there were no words, only gestures. This ongoing moment, where Frank and I’s eyes were connected, I began to know.

My love for Frank was so much greater than anything I had with Jake.