A Twist of Fate

“I want a divorce.”

I walked into my apartment after returning from Frank’s hotel room. Jake was seated in the kitchen at the table, with his head resting on his fist. He picked at a piece of paper on the table and looked deep in thought.

I walked in, and he looked up.

“Where’ve you been?” His accusing tone warned me of a struggle in our relationship.

I shrugged, and set my car keys on the kitchen counter, “I was just hanging out with Frank.” This is truly what we had been doing; talking and just hanging out.

I heard an angry sigh from Chris. I looked over at him and he was thumbing through the papers even more, while focusing on them intently.

“What is your problem?” I asked. He looked up at me angrily.

“Ever since you and your brothers came into contact again, all you’ve done is be with them. I don’t ever get to see you. I barely even know about our baby.” He said in an agitated tone. With a little bit of provoking, he would start to yell.

“Well for starters, it’s a boy.” I said the most obvious thing in the world, “I hope to name him Benjamin Garrett, and if you haven’t figured it out, I’ve already set up the nursery in the spare bedroom. But because my husband wasn’t here to help me, my sister-in-law did.”

His eyes shot needles through me, “Benjamin Garrett Bauer. I don’t like that.” He said.

No, I thought, Iero. Benjamin Garrett Iero. But I didn’t say this to Jake. I didn’t want him to know that I expected our marriage to fail, and therefore I would end up with Frank.

“What’s that look for?” He asked. Apparently I had a look when I thought of giving my son the last name of Iero, “Jeez, Em. What’s happened to us?”

He stood up and ran a hand through his hair. I shook my head, because I really didn’t know.

“You know, Em…” He paused for a moment, “Whatever is going on, I need to know. Have you been having an affair with Frank?”

I held my breath and wondered if I should come clean. There’s no better time than the present. But then again did I really want to split this baby from its father? Was I that cruel? I didn’t want to, but I was never going to be happy with Jake like I was with Frank. I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life miserable, and wondering what it would have been like to marry Frank. This was my opportunity.

“Yes.” I said quietly. I looked to the floor and waited.
“I thought so.” Jake said. He reached for the papers and I heard their shuffling, so I looked up, “That’s why I got these.”

He handed them to me and swallowed hard.

“I want a divorce.”
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sry, all. I've been plagued with sickness all weekend.The break was nice though.
Anyway, sorry for the late update, I've had to clean up my room and disinfect it a bit....