A Twist of Fate

moving out

I signed the divorce papers so eagerly, it surprised me. I couldn’t contain myself as I scribbled my name on the line. There is no way I should be this happy.

I shoved the papers back at my soon-to-be-ex-husband, and he grunted before stealing the pen from me and doing the same to the line below mine.

He looked back up at me and said, “My lawyer should be contacting you in a couple of days.”

I found that ironic, because Jake was a lawyer.

I shrugged and proceeded in walking back to the bedroom. I grabbed a suitcase out of the closet, and threw it on the bed. The top had flown open in the process, and it seemed to be an invitation to start packing.

I threw all my clothes into it, and zipped the top closed. I grabbed it and tried to lift it, but realized how heavy it was and dropped it back to the bed.


I dragged it off the bed and to the floor and then continued to drag it on the floor out of the room. This defiantly was not good for my back, and maybe not for my baby, but I was so eager to get out of there.

I finally made it out of the apartment and dragged my stuff to the elevator.

I pushed the little down arrow button and waited.

When the doors opened, Gerard was standing there. He looked confused.

“What’re you doing?” He asked and stepped out of the elevator and next to me.

“Jake and I are getting a divorce. Isn’t it great?” I asked with a happy tone. Gerard held an amused smile on his face.

“Well let me help you with that bag then.” He said and picked it up like it was lighter than air. He repressed the down arrow button and we waited while the elevator returned to the floor.

“Why’re you here anyway?” I asked him.

He shrugged, “Just wanted to see how you were doing.”