A Twist of Fate

Nine months

Another three months later I was officially single and waiting for the birth of my child. Jake had specifically requested to be alerted when the baby had been born, but otherwise, he wanted nothing to do with his child.

I actually felt bad because I knew what it was like to not have a father around, and it was one of the hardest things to overcome.

I just wanted this child to understand, and maybe he would if Frank was a good father figure. He seemed like he would be good to fill the position, but I really had no idea.

Gerard, Jenn, and Frank were sitting around the living room, of which was now, officially, mine and only mine.

Mikey was on a date with Sidona, and Bob and Ray were trying to pick up women at a bar down the street.

“Are you sure you don’t need anything?” Frank asked for what could be the millionth time this evening.

“Yes.” I said tiredly, “Now please stop asking me and sit down.”

Frank at next to me and placed his hand protectively on the very large swell in my stomach. He leaned in close, “When are you going to come out, little buddy?” Frank sounded like a child, “It’s time to come out now.”

“Gerard, will you please get him out of here? He’s driving me crazy.” I said to my brother who was laid cuddled up with his wife on the couch. They both looked over at me and Gerard sighed before kissing Jenn on the cheek.

“I guess I better get Frank out of here.” He said to her and she nodded in understanding.

“But what if she goes into labor while I’m away?” He argued as Gerard walked over and pulled him up.

“Then I’ll call you.” I said like…duh.

They walked into the kitchen and I looked over at Jenn, “Was Gerard ever like this?”

She nodded, “Yep. Especially for the last month of both of my pregnancies, he wouldn’t leave me alone.”

I shook my head. It seemed like this child was never going to come out.