A Twist of Fate


I held a small baby boy in my arms two hours later. Labor had gone quickly and I was thankful for that.

Frank sat next to me and was stroking the baby's soft cheek with his index finger.

"He's so..." Frank started and seemed lost for words. He looked hard, like he was really trying to think of what to say.

"Perfect." I finished for him and Frank nodded.

"Yeah, he's perfect."

The baby, of which had been named, Benjamin Garrett, Ben for short, was looking up at us, with pure innocence in his eyes. They were deep hazel. like my own eyes.

We heard a few soft knocks on the door and Jenn poked her head in, "Hey." She greeted softly.

I smiled up at her, an invitation to come in. She did and MCR followed behind.

Jenn gasped when she saw Ben, "He's so adorable."

I handed him off to her.

She was so intrigued by the baby, and Gerard smiled over her shoulder. He was holding Bella, and Mikey was holding Mia. Both of the girls were sleeping.

Jenn handed Ben to Bob, and he looked reluctant first, but then relaxed when Ben got settled in his arms. Jenn took Bella from Gerard, so that after Bob was done staring at the baby, he could hand him to Gerard.

It was so amusing to watch Bob with a baby. He looked like he thought the little thing would kill him in a moment.

"Relax, Bob. He's not going to hurt you." Mikey sounded amused

"Dude, how do you know?" I rolled my eyes and tried not to laugh. Bob was so immature sometimes...and maybe even slightly stupid. But we loved him anyway.

Gerard shook his head, "Well if you're so scared of my nephew, hand him to me."

Bob was quick to place the baby in his arms.

Gerard smiled down at the baby and cradled him in his arms a bit.

Frank's hand wrapped around mine, and I looked up to him smiling at me.