A Twist of Fate

Awkward Family Reunion

"Shit." Gerard mumbled, "Em. How've you been?" He looked shocked and a bit disoriented at my appearance.

“Good. And you?” I looked directly at him and tried so hard to not look at Frank. I could feel his stare.

“Yeah. We’ve been good.” He gestured towards him and Mikey when he said it. I nodded and we all seemed lost for words.

“Oh, um…Ray and Bob.” He looked back at the two guys of which I hadn’t met. They stepped forward a bit, “This is our sister, Emily.”

I shook each of their hands. It was quite obvious I felt more comfortable with contact with these strangers than I did with my own family.

“Geez.” Gerard ran a hand through his hair, “Wow. I’m still shocked to see you here. They told us an Emily Bauer was our photographer, but we never imagined it would be you. I mean, I’m assuming you’re married…” He trailed off.

I nodded and raised my left hand to show them the weeding ring on my finger, “It’ll be a year next month.”

I took a leap and looked over to Frank, who was just staring at me blankly. I would give anything to know what he was thinking. I looked back at Gerard and he was smiling.

“Hey, I’d hate to break up this nice family reunion, but these pictures need to be taken.” Brian cut in. I felt a rush of relief, in knowing this awkward conversation was about to end.
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You know what? I'm not happy.
I'm updating because I'm...not depressed, but just...sad.
I know that I should really keep personal things to myself, but I can't help but tell people my thoughts while I'm writing.