A Twist of Fate

Meeting the family

Jake and I walked into the coffee shop where we were to meet My Chem and and the few others I knew were to be tagging along. In other words, the wives, fincees and girlfriends.

We spotted them sitting in a large circular table, and chatting about something.

"Hey." I greeted and Gerard, and Mikey got up to greet me. I gave them each a hug and remembered what it had been like five years ago. Nothing had changed.

"Emily, this is my wife, Jenn." I saw a woman with light brown hair stand up to greet me, and I shook her hand. She looked kind and easy to get along with, "And these are my daughters, Mia..." He pointed to a small toddler which looked about two, who looked like a carbon coby of Gerard himself, "...and Isabella." He gestured to a small baby carrier, on a chair, which held a small baby girl, who looked to be a newborn.

I couldn't believe Gerard had a family. The girls were so beautiful. How much had I missed?

"Wow." I was genuinly speechless, "All this in five years?"

Gee nodded, "Yep. Jenn and I were married a year after you left, and two years after that we had Mia. Now that Mia's two, we decided to have another."

I looked at Mikey, "What about you? Any children I don't know about?"

Mikey chuckled a bit, "No. I'm still looking to get married."

I nodded and turned to Jake, "Guys, this is my husband."

They all shook hands and I looked to the table to see a woman I didn't know. She had beach blonde hair and orange skin. I immediatly did not like her.

"Who're you?" I asked a little more rudely than intended.

Everybody looked to her, and she looked at me like I was crazy, "I'm Frank's fiancee." For some reason, that felt like a punch in the gut.

I looked at Frank and he looked at her admiringly.

He sure has lost his taste in girls.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guess what?
I didn't have school today because of the snow. I was really happy.
Then my boss called and told me not to go in today, because of road conditions. That made me happier.
I think I'll update until my little fingers fall off.