A Twist of Fate

Bob and Jenn

"Yeah, I kinda figured you were pregnant when you were walking around with your hand on your stomach today." Gerard said, "Jenn did that a lot."

I nodded, "Why didn't you say anything?"

"It just didn't seem like the right time." He took a sip of his coffee.

"So how far along are you?" Jenn asked exitedly. I think she was more thrilled about me being a mommy than I was, and I had come a long way in three months with accepting it.

"Three months." I answered. She grinned.

"Promise you'll call me when it's time to go shopping for your baby." She said and I chuckled and nodded. Jenn was now officially my savior.

"I think kids are a waste of time." The bitch spoke up while she was looking at her nails, "They'reway too expensive and they smell." She looked up at us and smirked.

I felt anger rise up in my chest. She had no right to make comments like that.

"Jut shut up." Bob cut in. This was the first time tonight that he had spoken up, "Nobody wants to hear your opinion."

I could've kissed Bob...but my husband was sitting next to me.

"I think someone should go and check on Frank." Ray changed the subject.

"I"ll do it." Mikey offered and started to get up.

"No!" Gerard said sternly to Mikey, "I think Emily should do it." I looked at him like, 'wtf?' and he winked.