Status: Done :)

Too Good to Be True

Get Up And Go!

"Good Mooooorning!" Iona chirped, as I dragged my feet through the door into the lounge.

"Morning," I grumbled, walking into the kitchen, and fumbled my way through the small appliances on the countertop to find the coffee machine.

"Need a hand there?" Lozza chuckled as she walked over and instantly began making coffee. I fell into her, which...sort of...counted as a hug. "Woah, someone's low on energy!"

"I vwnaznt tzo go bvackk thoo thzi cwomfy bed.."


"I WANTS TO GO BWACK TO THE COMFY BED," I repeated, trying to make myself loud enough for Lozza to hear. She only laughed again.

"Come on now. No time for that, remember we're going to Philadelphia today!" At the sound of that, I shot up immediately, suddenly taking in my surroundings.

"We're going to Philadelphia," I repeated to Lozza, and she grinned. "WE'RE GOING TO PHILADELPHIA TO SEE MCR AGAIN!" I squealed, and hugged her tightly.

"I know! I know!" She laughed, and I pulled back, and grabbed my mug of coffee.

"Thank you!" I called to her, and fetched the milk and sugar.

"No problem," she called back, still chuckling away to herself.

Once I had regained myself, I sat myself down beside Iona on the couches with my cup of coffee.

"What's new?" I asked, and she pointed the remote at the TV. I gasped as I saw a familiar headline. "Are you kidding!?"


"That's like, the 7th person then?"

"Yup!" I looked back in shock to see, once again, the picture of the Brooklyn Bridge. I gulped, realising the actual thing was now a hell of a lot closer to me than it was a few days ago....

"Why the glum faces?" Lena chirped as she came to sat down beside us. I sighed sadly and turned off the TV, not wanting the others to be brought down by the reccuring tragedies.

"Nothing. I just can't wait to see everyone again," I said, letting a wide genuine smile spread across my face.

"I'm sure we all feel that way!" Elena joined in, coming to sit with us.

"To be quite honest, I can't wait to see Frank's face when he sees you again!" Lozza exclaimed, setting down four other cups of coffee on the coffee table. I thought about what she'd said, and realised this must've affected Frank more than it did me. I mean, i'd been comatose, he'd been alive and awake the whole time..

"Aren't we missing a few heads?" Iona asked, taking a long swag of her coffee. Each of us looked around, and indeed, we were missing Camille and Tommy.

"Meh, let them sleep," I said. We're not heading out for a while anyway, are we?

"Well, what time is it? Remember we still need to drive down!" I glanced at the clock and saw that it was 11am.

"We better get dressed!"

"I'll wake up Camille and tell her."

"Okay, i'll tell Tommy about today too."

"We've all got our own showers, right?"


"Let's go!"

"Meet back here at 2pm!"

We all laughed as we split into our different rooms to start getting ready. I slowly peaked in Tommy's door, but decided to give him another hour or so. He didn't need much time getting ready anyway.



"Are you all ready?" We heard Camille shout from the lounge, and I quickly pulled my right boot up and grabbed my bag, running out to the lounge where we decided to all meet up. I found Tommy and grabbed his hand, which was already quaking with excitement.

"Let's rock!" Iona shouted, as we all left the house and began to pile into her big black Citroen. We cheered and whooped and screamed as Camille reversed out of the "parking lot" and made her way onto the motorway.

"PHILADELPHIA HERE WE COME!" Everyone shouted. I felt something tug at my shirt, and I turned around to see Tommy smiling widely up at me.

"Am I really getting to see the killjoys on stage?" He asked, his eyes sparkling. I nodded.

"You are Tommy, you are. We all are." With that, he fist pumped the air and joined in with the celebration. I, however, looked out of the window at the streets of Newark, and thought about seeing him again.
♠ ♠ ♠

This one isn't as long, mostly dialogue.

Sorry :(

BUT! The next one will be on either tomorrow or the day after, and it's longer :3

