Status: Done :)

Too Good to Be True

Hey, Beautiful

"Hi," I breathed, as the beautiful man stopped in front of me. He smiled his signature smile, melting my heart. Everything was right again. Everything was ok.

"Hey," Hey replied, smiling widely. It hurt to not be able to reach out and pull him into my arms, to kiss him so passionately on the lips. "Did you have a good night?" I suddenly remembered that fans were surrounding both me and him, and he shouldn't act too suspicious. I'm glad I hadn't been spotted already.

"I did indeed! Thank you for the concert, Frank!" I smiled so widely, I thought my skin would rip. It was completely genuine though. I was back again. I was home.

"You're very welcome." Suddenly, everything stopped, as he looked deep into my eyes. I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe. A warning bell went off inside my head to remind him that we were staring at each other, but I couldn't. I didn't want this moment to end.


We both jumped back to see Gee come over (cue the screaming) and whisper into Frank's ear. I looked at them in confusion, but Frank's frown turned into a massive grin. Gee nodded at me once, before walking over to return to Mikey. Frank smirked at me.

"Follow the bus, tell Camille. " he mouthed, and I nodded. With that, he winked, and continued to see to the fans. As I turned away, a wave of excitement passed through me. I felt like I had just met Frank Iero for the first time, that he'd said all that to was all just so..

"What did he say!?" Iona squealed as she ran up to me. I grinned the biggest grin at her, and beckoned over the rest of the girls.

"Did any of the guys speak to you?"

"Nah, they never reached us yet. What did he say to you?" Lozza asked, curiously. I smirked.

"Camille, think you can follow their bus?"

"Without...them noticing?"

"No no, that's what Frank said."

"Oh, right! Yeah sure!"

"Oh my god! We're gonna follow them!" Iona squealed, and I just laughed. Turning to see Frank again, I frowned, seeing that melon-heads were talking to him. I was so tempted to march right up to them, and rip their precious hair out of their skulls, but that wouldn't end too badly. They seemed to go off into their own little wonderland, and Frank looked back at me with wide eyes. I drew my finger across my throat, and he laughed. Moving on to other fans, I turned seeing the girls starting to leave, and Tommy and Iona smiling widely at me.

"Ready?" Iona asked, I grinned.

"More than ever."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorries! It's a short one! It actually hurts how short it is haha.
The next chapter (2 nights/48hrs from now) is VVEERRRYYY long, so hopefully that should satisfy you all! :)
Haha, i'm sorry, I just love driving you guys crazy xD

Yeah, I just spend the last few hours watching Avatar.
Best movie ever.
Or one of the best movies at least.

Bye guys! xox