The Curse of the Moon

Ch.2 - Monday

God, I really hate school. And, I swear, school hates me too. Or, atleast the people in it do. I got sent to the principle's office, again, today. In my opinion, I didn't do anything wrong. It's that darn Mr. I-have-a-huge-stick-up-my-ass (Mr.Clark.) He hates me! He sends me to the office every chance he gets. So today I got yelled at by the principle for not doing my work, and then mocking Mr.Clark when he got onto me for it. It shouldn't matter. I shouldn't have to do my stupid homework if I don't want to. It's my life. Anyway, as a result of my little spat with the principle, I got detention after school today.
Yay... Fun.
As I was on my way to not going back to class from the principle's office, I noticed a tall, black haired, hazel-green eyed hottie standing over by the water fountain.
"Hey, shouldn't you be in class?" Aaron said as he looked up from the water fountain at me.
"Shouldn't you?" I said, as I smiled and came in for a hug.
"Touche." He said as he hugged me, tight.
As we pulled out of our hug, Aaron noticed a yellow slip of paper in my hand.
"Got detention again?" More of an observation than a question.
As much as I liked him, I still couldn't help the sarcasm.
"No. I'm just holding this for someone." I said, as I glanced at the yellow slip, and back at him.
"Right. That makes sense." He said, sarcastically, back.
"So... Are you busy right now? I mean, other than doing nothing at school." He asked me, a bit awkwardly.
"I don't know. I was kinda planning on getting into some more trouble. Why?"
"Well, sense you already have detention, we could play hooky for the rest of the day. I promise, I'll have you back in time for your incarceration."
I paused and looked at him.
"You know, you'll get into trouble for this, right?"
"That's okay. That just means I get to spend detention with you too." He said with a grin.
I tried hard not to blush.
"Alright. Let's go."
We grabbed hands, ran out the double doors into the parking lot, jumped into his big, red truck, and sped away, blaring the local metal radio station on the speakers. (And nearly ran over the janitor on the way out.)