Status: Active. Comments and subscriptions welcomed and greatly appreciated.



My aunt, well technically not my aunt, was taking me in for the winter. The rain poured down on the cold pavement, as Carol drove past many houses. I touched the windows lightly with my fingers feeling the coolness of the glass. Everything seemed so odd and quiet. Everyone in their right mind was indoors. Carol’s soft instrumental music hummed through the vehicle, she would tell me little facts every now and again.

“You’re probably not going to like hearing this, dear,” Carol sighed looking at me with sympathy almost, “you’re going to have to share a room with Tom.”

“I don’t think I’ll mind,” I said softly, “from what I’ve heard he’s a sweet guy.”

“He’s been going through a rough patch lately,” she stated sadly, she took another deep breath before speaking, “I’d put you with Oli but, he needs privacy with his lady. I hope you don’t mind too much.”

“I’ll be fine, thank you and thank you for taking me in,” I smiled sweetly as I realized that we were parked in front of the small house. It was brick on the outside and looked like an actually home. A skateboard sat lonely out on the front lawn in the pouring rain. One of her sons must have left it. I smirked to myself, a boy who skates that would be enjoyable.

“I’ll help you get your bags, dear,” Carol was so sweet to me, “I hope it isn’t too much of a culture shock.”

It was already, you drove on opposite sides of the roads and on the opposite side of the car. The food was already different. I was the odd American here. I sighed quietly as I threw my backpack on my back and then want around to the backseat of the car to grab one of my big suitcases. Carol grabbed the medium sized duffel bag and I followed her to the door.

As we walked in her home smelled of fresh cookies and cinnamon. I enjoyed that very much; I looked around noticing all the family pictures that lined the walls of the lovely home. Carol called the boys into the room, a third one appeared. He had lovely green eyes and shaggy brown hair that framed his cute face. He smirked a little bit and I blushed as we made eye contact for a second. He turned his head down to look at his shoes a slight crimson tint covering his cheeks. I noticed a lovely pair of wooden plugs in his ears, everything about this boy was lovely.

“Tom, will you help Taylor take her bags up to your room?” Carol asked her youngest son politely, he looked up with bright blue eyes and brushed his fringe out of his face. He nodded in response and picked up the largest suitcase. Her other son, Oli, I knew his face from the pictures she had emailed my mom, picked up the duffel bag and followed Tom up the stairs. The lovely unknown boy pointed to the stairs for me to follow. I carefully walked up the steps, I wasn’t the most coordinated. The lovely boy followed quietly behind me.

“I’m Matt,” he piped up as I got onto the second floor of the home. “I like your hair.”

“I’m Taylor, it’s nice to meet you,” I grinned as he walked up the last step. “Thank you.” I blushed and twirled a long piece of my dark red hair around my finger. It was a few inches shy of reaching my hips, well more like four inches. He didn’t have to know it wasn’t all my hair. I looked up to the boy; he had a good few inches on me. “I like your plugs, they’re wood right?”

“Yeah,” he chuckled, “I love them.”

“I want some but I just haven’t found any I quite like,” I shyly stated as I brushed back my hair showing off my one inch steel tunnels. He grinned and gawked at me.

“That’s hot, love,” Matt winked at me and pointed down the hall, “I reckon we should get to Tom’s room before they start rummaging through your things. Don’t want their hands getting all over your unmentionables.”

“They wouldn’t,” I overdramatically gasped and stuck my tongue out at Matt before proceeding over to Tom’s room. I entered, it was quite clean. There was a small bed in the corner and a chest of drawers beside it. I assumed that was mine

“That’s yours over there,” Tom pointed. I nodded and walked over there setting my backpack on the bed. It was tiny but would suffice. A telly sat promptly in the middle of the wall, you could see it from my bed. “I have to sleep with the telly on at night so hope you don’t mind.”

“I’m the same way actually.”

“Matt, you staying over tonight?” Oli asked raising a brow, he looked over to me and then back to Matt. “You fancy her.”

“Well, if, uh, if it’s alright with your mum I’d like to stay,” Matt stumbled over his words and blushed looking over to me. “Maybe hang out with Taylor for a bit.”

“Mum said you could Matt, she loves you. Probably more than she loves us,” Tom chuckled throwing himself down on the bed.

We were all waiting on dinner; the boys were in Oli’s room playing Mortal Kombat. I sat on the floor pulling things out of my bags. I sighed opening the bottom drawer, I unzipped my overly large suitcase. I heard footsteps across the carpet but paid no attention. I began unpacking my jeans which were folded on the top of my suitcase.

“Oi,” I heard a voice say, “can I help?” I looked up to see Matt standing above me, I smiled lightly and nodded. He helped me place my few pairs of jeans in the drawer, then some shorts beside it, next drawer up, pajamas. We were almost done with the unpacking. Then I realized, I still had to do my bras and panties. I sighed and stood up opening the top drawer. Shamefully I reached down and grabbed a few bras and placed them in there along with panties. “I like this one,” Matt grinned holding up a cute lacy bra.

“Oh god, Matt!” I squealed snatching it away, my face flushed red and I threw it in the drawer. I slammed the drawer shut and looked back to Matt who was now sitting on my tiny bed. It wasn’t very tiny though, could easily fit two people. Me and Matt maybe, oh no, I shooed the thought away from my mind. I could not already be developing a crush on this boy.

“Sorry, love,” he frowned, “can I make it up to you?”

“How?” I awkwardly questioned sitting down beside him. He looked into my eyes, I made eye contact with such a lovely boy, I would have never even dared to do that before. His face inched closer to mine, his hand gently grazing my cheek. It was too soon for a kiss, I began to shy away.

“How about a hug?” he immediately stated shyly. I nodded and wrapped my arms around his slim torso.

“Whoa, you two. A little fast,” Oli laughed. I blushed, I seemed to be doing that a lot lately.

“Hush Oli,” Matt chuckled as I buried my face into his sweater.

Maybe I did fancy Matt.
♠ ♠ ♠
Gonna try and stick with this story and just it for a while(maybe).