Status: Active. Comments and subscriptions welcomed and greatly appreciated.



Matt held me in his arms; we were cuddled up close together on the couch in his den. “So, that surprise?” I asked awkwardly.

“Will you be my girlfriend?” Matt asked holding my hand. Matt and I had been a thing for the past few weeks. Not exactly dating but together, if that makes any sense at all.

“Of course,” I looked up and smiled before pressing my lips to his.


Sj and I hurried into town to the small mall. I had three paychecks saved up from working at the local beauty supply store and the money my grandmother had sent me. Sj bounced along her platinum hair flopping around as she walked. She dressed classy with her tights and dress. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and looked at it, one text from Matt.

“Hey baby, how’s shopping?” it read.

I smiled to myself before sending him a text back, “Good. No I won’t tell you what I’m getting you, so don’t ask.”

“What do you wanna get Matt?” Sj asked as we walked in through the doors and began looking at shops.

“He wants some video games and I might pick him up a sweater or something,” I sighed. “What about Oli?”

“Hm probably lingerie since he’ll get a kick out of that,” she laughed.

Sj and I walked around and purchased different gifts for people, eventually we went back to Sj’s to wrap the gifts. I was looking forward to the night ahead. Matt was coming over to see me for a bit. Time passed by slowly and I missed him.

The day passed slowly and I was finally getting back to the Sykes’ home. I had many presents and Oli was helping me carry them, begging every five minutes to open his. We carried them to the tree and put them under the cute decorated tree. It was a live tree so the nice scent filled the home.

Matt came over shortly after, when I opened the door he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my lips softly. Carol called from the kitchen, “You two are so cute. Matt I’m glad you found such a lovely girl.”

Matt and I went up to Tom’s room we sat down on the bed, Matt cuddled me and laid me down pulling me close. His lips pressed against mine, his tongue brushed my lower lip. I put my hands around his neck and pressed my lips harder to his. Matt’s arm went around my waist pulling me closer, I slightly opened my mouth letting his tongue in to wrestle with mine. His tongue explored my mouth and brushed over mine.

“I’m so glad you’re mine, baby,” He murmured pressing his lips to mine once more.

“Me too,” I smiled before kissing him once more. I loved the feeling of his soft lips on mine.

Everyone was looking forward to the day after Christmas, we were all exchanging gifts. Except for Matt and Sj, they were coming over that night. The morning finally arrived; Tom was already downstairs looking bitter. I walked downstairs in my pajamas, Oli trudged behind me. I thanked Carol for letting me be a part of their Christmas. Tom’s eyes lit up when he saw me, he smiled and ran up to me. Tom wrapped his arms around me. “I missed you, Tay.”

“I missed you too Tom, I hope you like the gift I got you,” I smiled walking over to the tree.

We shredded through gifts. Ian and Carol bought me a new camera lens, Tom got a new camera, Oli got some shoes and money to start building his clothing line. I got Tom some film and a Holga, Ian and Carol some nice décor, Oli got a new Slipknot shirt. The rest of the day we bummed around and played with our new gifts. Tom had his arm around my shoulder as I was testing the new makeup everyone had put in my stocking, on my hand.

Tom and I were the same age, seventeen. Matt and Oli were two years older than us, both nineteen. Sj was eighteen, Curtis and Lee were nineteen, and Vegan was twenty. Ian prodded at the fire place starting it up to beat winter out. It was snowing outside and the heater was having issues inside, I got as close to Tom as possible. He held me close an let me put my head on his shoulder.

Carol seemed to be skeptical of us. I think she might have thought I was cheating on Matt, but she just kept it on the down low and only asked Oli once what was up.

I wouldn’t cheat on Matt, would I?
♠ ♠ ♠
This isn't very good, sorry. I might have some ideas for the next chapter.
please comment y'all.