Ribbons Academy for Boys


After we went to the bookstore, we went back to the dorm. The boys unpacked the groceries and I went to John’s office. I knocked and I head him say, “Come in.”

“Hey Hero.” he said.

“Okay. When I was at the grocery store, I ran into an old gang friend and Braxton said he was annoyed with him then the clerk was flirting with me and he told him to stop flirting with me because I’m his girlfriend.”

“He likes you.” he said immediately.

“No! That’s weird because he hates me! We don’t get along!”

“Opposites attract.”

“What? No! That’s weird.”

“You denying it so much means you like him back.” I opened my mouth but closed it. John smirked.

“Never going to happen.” I said, standing up.

“That’s okay, you have a few months.” I frowned and left. Braxton and I couldn’t work out.


“Are you up for another round of Truth or Dare tonight?” Rex asked while I cleaned up dinner. I tapped the Dorm Rules and Rex looked over them.

“Bullshit. We just wont strip.” I shrugged.

“We should get more people.” I said.

“I agree.” so he left to get to see who wanted to play.


At 11pm, Tanner, Tucker, Parker, Rex, Chase, Hank, Gerald, Jasper, and myself, met in the main room to play Truth or Dare.

“All right, we have to be quiet.” Rex whispered.

“Yeah, we don’t want Braxton to catch us again.” I whispered. They all agreed, and Tucker offered to go first.

“Gerald, truth or dare?” he asked.


“Uh, have you ever worn lingerie?”

“Nope.” Gerald laughed. “Parker?”


“Go to a different hallway and sing your favorite children song.” Gerald said.

“I’ll get in so much trouble!”

“Sounds like a personal problem.” Gerald said. Parker sighed and left the dorm. Chase and Gerald went with him to make sure he did it. It was awkward silence for 5 minutes until we heard the door open and the 3 boys came bursting in, laughing.

“Almost got caught.” Chase grinned. They all sat down and we continued.

“Truth.” Tanner said.

“If there was one guy you could date, who would it be?” Parker asked. Tanner’s face went blank. He looked like a deer in the headlights.

“H-Hero.” he chocked

“I said guy.” Parker said. Tanner mumbled something.

“Couldn’t hear you.” Jasper said.

“I SAID PARKER!” Tanner yelled.

“Dude! Quiet! We don’t want to wake Braxton.” Rex said. Tanner was read. I felt so sorry for him.

“Rex?” Tanner asked.


“What would you be doing if you weren’t at Ribbons?”

“Probably be the Caption of the football team and have a hot girlfriend.” he smiled and turned to me. “Hero?”

“Dare.” I smirked.

“Kiss every boy, starting with me, and then tell us who’s the best.”

“How long of a kiss?”

“At least 5 seconds.” I sighed. I crawled over to Rex. I kissed him, counted to 5, moved to Tanner. I was nervous, but did it anyways. I felt like a slut after kissing them. When I got Hank, I was leaning in and Braxton’s door burst open.

“What the hell is going on?”

“Truth of Dare, want to join? You could get a kiss from Hero.” Gerald said.

“Go to bed. Now.” he said. We all got up and started going to our rooms. Hank was following closely.

“You owe me something.” he sang as I walked to my door.

“Games over.” I said. He grabbed my hands and spun me around to face him. His lips came crashing down to mine. He was very forceful with his kiss. He licked my bottom lip and when I didn’t open, he pried his tongue through my lips. I was a little scared because of what Hank was capable of. I tried to pull away, but he had pushed me against the wall and held my head were it was.

Suddenly, I felt Hank being pried off of me. I opened my eyes and I saw Hank against the wall next to me. Braxton was glaring at him.

“Hero, go to bed.” Braxton said, not taking his eyes off of Hank.


“I said go to bed.” Hank was watching me. I was so confused, but I went into my room and laid in bed. I heard them shuffling around Hank’s room. My mind went back to the game. I felt like such a slut, but I guess a game is a game, and a dare is a dare.


I took hank into his room. I was so mad at him and the guys. I was scared for Hero’s life. Knowing Hank’s story, I was scared of what was going through his head.

“What were you thinking? The game was over!” Hank was sitting on his bed.

“I wanted my kiss.” he said, looking at me. His eyes shined in the darkness.

“I saw the way you kissed her, there’s something more going on.”

“Okay, I get that because I raped 5 girls, you would be worried, but I would never hurt Hero. She’s like a sister to me. I was just messing around out there. Sure I thought about things I should have, but I wouldn’t act on it.”

“I don’t care. I don’t want her to think she’s a whore, and we just want her because she’s the only girl here!” I said angrily.

“Oh my God. You like her.” Hank said. My head snapped up.


“You like her. That’s why you’ve been so protective over her.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. We couldn’t work. She thinks I hate her. She’s annoying, always looking for trouble, not my type.”

“Oh right, sorry, you only go for cheating whores.” I glared at Hank. Before this got out of control, I decided to leave. I shut his door quietly behind me. I looked at Hero’s door. I quietly knocked, I didn’t hear a reply, but I entered anyway. I saw her sleeping. She was really pretty when she slept. I didn’t want to feel too much like a creep, so I left quietly. I left the dorm and went to Mr. Rhyder’s dorm, and knocked.

“Braxton? It’s 1 in the morning.” he said, yawning.

“Sorry. I’ll come back-”

“No, come in, I’m awake.” he opened his door more. “What’s on your mind?”


“Oh? What about?” we both sat down on his blue couch.

“I’m worried about her all the time. I know she’s been in a gang and stuff, but I just feel like she’s no doing a good job protecting herself. Like, they were just playing Truth or dare and she had to kiss all the boys that were there, and I came out before she kissed Hank. Then they waked back to their rooms and I saw Hank kissing Hero really forcefully and it scared me.”

“Why did it scare you?”

“Because I know what Hank is capable of.”

“You know, Hero has come and talked to me. She thinks you hate her.”

“I know.” I growled. He put his hands up.

“I’m not done. From what she has told me, the only thing I can think of is that you are blindly in love with her. And I think you just proved it.”

“You’re crazy.” I said.

“Did you stop the kiss?”

“Yes, I pulled him off of her.”


“I wasn’t jealous!” I wasn’t going to confess I was the first to kiss her. “I was just trying to make sure Hank didn’t hurt her.” Mr. Rhyder was nodding.

“So I’m confused, why are you here?” I sat there and looked at me hands.

“To tell me I don’t love Hero.”

“Sorry.” he sang. I groaned and shot up.

“Go back to bed.”

“With pleasure.” he smiled and led me to the door. I left and went back to my dorm. I opened the door and saw a dark figure on the couch, crying.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry if this is shortish
If you didnt read the orange thing above the story, are you team Hank or team Braxton? haha
Comment it~