Ribbons Academy for Boys


“Hero?” I asked. The figure looked up and I saw her. “Hero, what’s wrong?” I ran to her and sat by her, wrapping my arms around her. My first thought was that Hank did something.

“I just miss home.” was all she said. I let her cry on my chest. I was sure there was more to it, but I didn’t push it. I stroked he hair as she sat there. After about 10 minutes, she pulled away and wiped her eyes.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

“Does the school let you go home if a family member is ill?” she asked.

“Sometimes, why?” I said slowly.

“My mom has been shot.”

“How did you find out?”

“I have my cell phone for emergencies. Seth texted me and said that Boss had someone shoot her because Seth left to see me.”


I was glad Braxton was the one to find me. I felt so lost, I had no idea what to do. I had to go home to see my mom. I couldn’t look both of my parents.

“You’ll have to go to the office or something in the morning.” he said.

“Okay.” I sniffled. “If… If she dies, I’m screwed.”


“My mom and step dad aren’t fully divorced yet, like they are just starting, and if she dies, he will ruin my life.”

“What has he done in the past?” tears started falling.

“He raped me twice, beat me, and did shit to me.”

“Why didn’t you tell anyone?” Braxton sounded angry.

“I couldn’t. He’s Boss.”


“He’s the leader of Black Assassins. My dad died in a hunting accident and Boss and my mom met and got married.”

“I thought you said Niko introduced you to Black Assassins.”

“He did. I didn’t know what Boss did, but he was loosing money, causeing us, as a family to loose money, because my mom lost her job, so Niko introduced me to Boss. No one knew he was my step dad. Then he started raping me and shit. Mom doesn’t know what he really is, but he hurt her so she wanted to divorce. Maybe that’s why he hurt her… I don’t know.”

“Hero…” Braxton whispered. “I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t be.” I scoffed.

“Do you want me to come with you?”

“To Minnesota? No, I cant expose you. I cant have you getting hurt.”

“So? What if he hurts you?”

“I can handle it. I’m used to it. It was bad enough you met Niko. If Zak had been there, you would have been screwed. I cant have your death on my conscience.”

“I don’t care. I’m coming.”


“Hero! I’m going with you.”

“Fine.” I sighed, giving up.


In the morning, Braxton and I went to the office and I told them what happened. They said they could get us on a flight at 6pm. They also excused us from classes so we could pack and get to the airport. At lunch, we sat the boys down and told them what was going on and that we had to go.

They protested, saying they should all go, but they couldn’t, obviously. I told them the dangers of what could happen, and that I loved them too much to have them get hurt.

After they went back to classes, Braxton and I agreed to head to the airport since we were all packed. An officer took us to the check in/security and we were on our own for 4 hours.

“Why did we agree to come this early?” I groaned as I sat upside down on the uncomfortable terminal chair.

“Boredom.” Braxton shrugged. I groaned again and sat up right. I stood up and fixed my cloths.

“I’m going to get food.” I said and grabbed my bag.

“I’m coming too.” he said. There was a small café I stopped by.

“Here okay?” I asked.

“Sure.” he said and we went in. we ordered, got our stuff, and found a table.

“I’m worried for you.” I randomly said.

“Really? Why?”

“they could kill you for being associated with me.” I whispered.

“It’s better then you being alone.” I sighed and took a sip of my drink.

“I’m used to it, I know how they all work. Don’t try to be a hero. That’s why you have me. Don’t talk around them either. And if you wake up in the middle of the night and you cant find me, I’m probably dealing with shit that you cant know about.”

“That’s reassuring.”

“I’m just trying to look out for you.” I mumbled.

“Thanks.” he said. We wondered around the airport until we had an hour left, and we went back to our terminal. Since we got our tickets last minute, my ticket was in the back of the plane, and Braxton’s was in the middle. I got on first and took my seat by the window. A middle aged woman sat next to me.

“Sir, please sit down.”

“No, I need to be by my girlfriend. She’s pregnant and I need to be by her!” I heard Braxton say. I put my head in my hands. Why Braxton? I saw him walking to the back with a flight attendant.

“Ma’am, are you his pregnant girlfriend?” she asked.

“Yes. I’m frightened of planes and I think my boyfriend would help calm me and my fetus.” I said, pretending to cry. The lady next to me looked worried.

“I’d be happy to move.” she told the flight attendant. So they switched seats. I waited until we were in the air to talk to Braxton/

“Why the hell did you do that?” I asked.

“Why not? You did good by the way.”

“Couldn’t even stay away from me for 2 hours?” I ignored what he said.

“Sorry.” he muttered. Did he really just apologize? I didn’t know what to say so I looked out the window.

“How is everything? Are you doing okay miss?” the flight attendant asked.

“Everything’s fine, thank you. She’s just nervous.” Braxton said, grabbing my hand. I heard her walk away.

“You can let go, you know.” I said. Braxton let go of my hand.


When the plane landed, we all filed off and we got our bags. I hailed a cab to take us to my house. The ride was pretty silent. I got over Braxton, I just didn’t feel like talking to him. When we got to my house, I paid the driver and we got to my front door. I found the spare key and opened the door. We walked in and I dropped my bags. It was about 9pm, so we were really tired.

“Um, you can sleep in my brother’s room.” I said.

“Okay.” he replied like it was no big deal. I led him up the stairs.

“That’s Seth’s room, bathroom, and my room.” I pointed to the three doors.

“Alright, thanks.” he said, going into Seth’s room. I watched him as he closed the door. I waited and walked into my room. I shut the door and changed into some pajamas. I looked around my blue room. I really didn’t miss it. The walls were plain, there was hardly anything it. It looked like a guest bedroom, rather then a teenaged girl’s room.
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OHMAIGAWDOHMAIGAWD right? Yeah, i thought so. TOTALLY NOT WHAT ANY OF YOU WERE EXPECTING RIGHT? i want to hear about it in the comments. Which i am loving so much!! Sorry if i dont reply to you and say 'thank you' like some authors do, so dont think i dont see them/appreciate them because i do, and they make me all giggly and happy. HAHA

Team Braxton or Team Hank?