Ribbons Academy for Boys


I woke up at 8:30 and took a shower. When I was done, I noticed Seth’s door still closed. I opened it quietly and saw Braxton still asleep. I smiled and closed the door quietly. I went down the stairs and made some coffee and cereal. I glanced into the living room and saw a figure on the couch. I walked over and saw Seth with a black eye and cuts everywhere.

“Seth?” I whispered, poking him.

“Why is there…bed?” he mumbled.


“Why is there a boy in my bed?” he asked, sitting up.

“That’s Braxton. He tagged along.”

“Hero, do you know how dang-”

“Yes! You try telling him that! I tried everything, but nothing worked!”

“Alright. I get it.” he said.

“How’s mom?”

“Good. She’s still critical though.” he said.

“I want to go see her.”

“Good luck. Boss has people watching people who goes into the hospital, and if someone goes in that’s not supposed to, they have orders to kidnap, torture, or kill. You’ll have to see Boss to get in.” Seth said, scratching his head. I sighed.


“If Braxton goes with you, he’ll have to see Boss too.”

“No way in hell!” I yelled.

“Why not?” I turned and saw Braxton halfway down the stairs.

“Because I don’t want you to get hurt! Why don’t you get that? I want you safe! I want Seth safe! I want my mom to live! Why us that too much to ask for?!” I yelled. I ran up the stairs, pushing past Braxton, and locked myself in my room. Why were boys so thick headed? After a few minutes, there was a knock on my door.

“Hero?” Braxton asked softly. I ignored him. I heard him try the door. “Hero, I’m sorry, I didn’t… I guess I wasn’t thinking about consequences of coming out here. I just had to see that you were safe. I didn’t want you to be hurt and me not know about it.” I waited a minute and got off my bed and unlocked the door. I went and sat at the foot of my bed, on the floor. I heard Braxton try the door again and he came in. he closed the door and sat across from me.

“Here’s how this is going to work,” I started, “You aren’t leaving this house.”

“What?” I glared at him.

“I know you want me safe, but you don’t know how this place works. If you get hurt, I will feel like its my fault. Its my fault Seth is in the gang, and its my fault my mom was shot.” I was trying not to cry. Braxton crawled over to me and pulled me into his chest and he hugged me.

“Fine, I’ll stay here.”

“Thank you. You have to make sure the house looks dead. Once Boss knows I’m here, he will have people watch the house. And he might come home. If he does, there’s a door in my closet that he doesn’t know about. Its behind my Bring Me The Horizon poster.”

“Show me.” he said, standing up. He helped me up and I led him to my closet. I peeled the poster back and it showed a door, about 3 feet by 2 feet, but fairly big. I opened it. There was a flashlight and some books.

“I’m pretty sure you can fit.”

“How many times have you been here?”

“More then I should have been.”

“I’ll just stay in here all day then.” he gestured to me room.

“Okay. You can watch TV, just keep it down and don’t fall asleep. I should probably go. I need to see my mom.” I led the way down the stairs. Seth was washing my cereal bowl. “Where are they?”

“Usual spot.” Seth replied. I got a cup of coffee, hugged Seth and Braxton and left.

The usual spot was an old crack house a few blocks away. I took my time walking and drinking my coffee. It was a little cold out, but nothing terrible. I got to the old, faded red house and knocked. The door opened and I saw Mally, a stuck up, door man, asshole.

“I’m here to see Boss.” I said. He grumbled and let me in. The floor creaked as I walked to the living room.

“Who’s there?” I heard Boss say.

“Hero.” I said, coming around the corner.

“Oh, they let you out?”

“I’m not here for shit, I just want to see my mom. I was told I have to ‘check in’ with you.”

“Yup. I’ll let you visit her twice. For only 2 hours each, and you have to be alone.”

“Can someone give me a ride to go now?”

“Trey can take you.” he growled. I glared and left the room. Trey followed. He was about 6’2”, 200 pounds, and a gangster. He didn’t look much older then me. He led me to one of the cars and got in.

“So, how long have you bee working for the Black Assassins?” I asked.

“Few weeks.”


“Yeah. What about you?” he asked.

“Few years.”

“Oh, how come I haven’t seen you around?”

“I’ve bee at a school for delinquents. Boss set me up to get caught. How long are you here for?”

“5 years.”

“Shit man, why would you do that?”

“Got my reasons.” was all he said. I shook my head and he continued the trip in silence. We got to the hospital, and he dropped me off at the entrance. I went in and asked for my mom.

“Oh, she’s in room 506A on floor 4.” I nodded and went in the elevator. I hated elevators so much. They scared me. They could break at any moment and you’d be stuck. I got claustrophobic easily. I got to the 4th floor and I saw my moms room on the right. I looked in and saw her hooked up to tubes, watching TV. Before a nurse yelled at me, I went in.


“Hi mom.” I said, pulling up a chair. “How are you?”

“Good, you?”

“I’m fine.”

“That’s good. How long are you here for?”

“2 hours. And another visit when you’re better for another 2 hours. Then I have to go home.”

“Home?” she asked.

“Ribbons.” I said. It just felt weird between us. But what matters is that she’s alive and safe.

“Oh. You know, he wont sign the papers. No matter what I do.” she sighed.

“Mom, you have to be careful.” I said.

“I know.” she shrugged. I sighed and changed the subject. I was able to talk to her for about another hour, until a nurse came in.

“You cant be here!” she said.

“Why not? She’s my mom!”

“Visiting hours are form 3-6pm.”

“Fine.” I growled. I stood up, kissed my mom’s forehead and left. I pulled my cell phone out and called Seth. It went right to voice mail. I sighed and started walking home.

It took me 3 hours to get him, and I was scared that someone would drive by and shoot me. But I fortunately made it home safely. I unlocked the door to a dark house. I kept it that way and went to my room. I checked Seth’s room and it was empty. I went into mine. The lights and TV were off and there was food wrappers everywhere.

“Braxton! Please clean my room!” I said loudly. I heard noises from my closet and Braxton came out.

“Yes mother.” he smirked. I rolled my eyes. He started picking up his garbage. “How long did you get to see her?”

“For about an hour. Visiting hours are from 3-6pm.”

“Where have you been for the last 3 hours then?“ he asked.

“Walking home.” I flopped down on my bed. I was so tired from my journey. “Boss said I can only see her twice for 2 hours, so I have to go talk to him tomorrow about what happened.” I sighed, closing my eyes.

“Do you want me to make you dinner? He asked.

“Can you cook?”

“Yes.” he shot.

“Sure, I guess.” I sat up, grabbed his hand and dragged downstairs. I turned the kitchen light on and let go of his hand. Braxton went through my fridge and started pulling out food. I took a seat on the island countertop.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey, I forgot to tell you how my mom is doing in the last chapter.
Shes doing betterish. The doctor diagnosed it as somethingsomethingsomebigwords, Vertigo. So she went to a physical theropist and yeah. shes betterish, just weak. thanks for your condolences. It means a lot to me.
And thanks for the comments, i love them, and the more, the merrier! :D
okay, this is getting really long, so TALK TO YOU ALL LATER :D
<3 Katt