Ribbons Academy for Boys


“Dinners ready!” I called. The boys filed in the kitchen. After I had finished some homework, I spent about 2 hours making stuff for tacos. Tanner started the line.

“Ladies first.” he said.

“No, you guys go. I’m gonna go clean up.” I said and went to my dorm. I was exhausted, but I was also starving. I splashed water on my face and looked in the mirror. I looked a mess. I brushed my hair and put a hair band in. I touched up my plain makeup and went back out. All the boys had gotten food. I got two tortillas and filled them with mean, lettuce, tomatoes, onions and other condiments. I took the last seat in between chase and Jasper. I noticed Tanner and Parker were sitting next to each other. I smiled to myself as I picked up a taco.

“Really good dinner.” Hank said.

“Yeah, I agree.” Fye smiled.

“Kiss ass.” Braxton muttered. I laughed.

“Thanks guys.” I said. After dinner, Rex and Derell helped me clean up.

“You should make cookies. Not tonight, but in the near future.” Rex said. I shrugged.

“Maybe.” Hank came into the kitchen.

“Hero, can I talk to you?” he asked.

“Uh, yeah.” I said and I followed him to the showers.

“Look, I’m really sorry about the other night. I don’t know what came over me. I-”

“Hank! Sweetie, don’t worry about it. I don’t care.” Stupid mistake.


“Yeah. I mean, it upset me a little, but whatever.” Stupider mistake. I smiled.

“Thanks Hero.” he hugged me, “Oh, and forget about owing me a favor.”

“What favor?” I asked, confused.

“Exactly.” I gave him a look then I remember a long time ago I asked him to do the dishes and I had to do him a favor. As I thought about it, it wasn’t that long ago. I laughed at him and we walked out of the showers.

“What were you guys doing in there?” Braxton asked us.

“Heated make out session.” I shrugged.

“No it wasn’t!” Hank said.

“Hero?” Braxton asked. I had kept walking, so I turned around.

“Joking. Take a chill pill Braxton.” I said and went to my room. Boys are so stupid.


At lunch the next day, I figured it was a good time to see John. Braxton was getting on my nerves. He was being really paranoid. I knocked on the door and it opened. I saw him and walked past him and laid down on the couch.

“What’s up Hero?” he asked. I saw him sit down in his chair in my peripheral vision.

“I… I just wanted to see you. My heart aches for you, and I just don’t know how to handle these feelings.” I said dramatically.

“Oh really?” he asked.

“No. Its Braxton.”

“Braxton is the one you have those feelings for?” he asked.

“No.” I said quickly. “He’s being paranoid and its annoying.”

“How so?” I explained to him what had happened yesterday and other instances since we’ve been back.

“I can understand and Braxton being paranoid about you being alone with Hank in the showers. I mean after the…” he trailed off.

“After what?”

“I cant say.”


“Student/councilor confidentiality.”

“Fuck confidentiality! What do you know?” I asked angrily, sitting up now.

“Just that he attacked you with a kiss and Braxton tore him off of you.”

“Did Braxton tell you that?” I asked.

“Yes. Wait, no! No he didn’t.” he said, looking flustered.

“Whatever.” I rolled my eyes.

“He’s just protecting you.” was all he could say. “Like a brother. Or dorm leader.” he added.

“Well, I hate his stupid mind games.” I snapped and stood up to leave.

“I’m sorry. Really, I am Hero. Now, before you go, should we discuss what your first sentence was about when you first came in here?”

“I was joking.” I sighed.

“Uh-huh.” he said slowly.

“Why? Do you have a response for me?”

“Yes, I must say I feel the same way.” he said just as dramatically and put his hand over his chest where his heart is. I laughed.

“Good to know.” I said and headed for the door.

“Love you too!” he called as I left. I laughed and started to go to my history class.

“Where were you at lunch?” Rex asked.

“Talking to John.”

“Mr. Rhyder?”


“Why do you call him John? Are you guys an item?” he smirked.

“Totally.” I said, “Bo, but, that’s how he introduced himself.”

“Oh.” was all he said.


After school, we all went to our dorms. Everyone was there, except Braxton.

“Where’s Mr. Dorm Leader?” I asked, sitting on the couch.

“Dorm Leader meeting.” Derell said.

“They have meetings?” I laughed. They nodded. Wow. I decided to go to my room and work on homework. I wanted to make cookies tonight. I was almost done when there was a knock on my door.

“Get out here!” I heard someone say. I ran up, adrenaline pumping, and worried that something bad happened.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, going to the main room.

“Sit.” Braxton said. My stomach had knots in it as I sat on the floor by Jasper.

“Okay, what’s going on?” Rex asked.

“Well, there’s been a murder on campus. They want us to stay in our dorms until further notice. And we’re to eat all meals here. They are turning the TV’s on to cable for us, and they will have officers checking on us every 2 hours.” Braxton said slowly.

“Who died?” Tanner asked in an almost whisper.

“Will from Dorm M.” Braxton said, looking at me. My face dropped. Will was dead? Please let this be some horrible trick or joke. Who would kill him?

“Do you know who did it?” someone asked.

“No. That’s why we have to stay here.”

“When did it happen?”

“During lunch. His dorm doesn’t eat in the lunch room.”

“Hero wasn’t at lunch.” I snapped out of my trance.

“I didn’t kill him if that’s what you are implying! Will was a great guy! Why would I want him dead?” I started out loud, and ended up crying. I felt an arm go around me, and I saw that Tanner had gotten on the floor next to me.


“Get away from me.” I said and ran to my room. I wiped my eyes dry. Will was gone and my dorm tries to pin me on it? I was probably overreacting, but it still hurt.

He didn’t deserve to die. He was so innocent. He was one of the nicest guys I knew here, and I didn’t think I could handle this. I took a deep breath and sat on my bed, trying to stay calm. I practically just lost my mom and brother, and now one of my best friends.

There was a light knock on the door and Braxton came in. He didn’t say anything as he sat next to me on my bed.

“I thought boys weren’t allowed in my room.” I said quietly. I saw Braxton smile.

“Only past 10 pm.”

“It’s technically past 10 pm.” I said. He laughed.

“Only you would do that.” I smiled to myself. “I’m really sorry about what happened. I know you really liked him.”

“Its fine. I just cant believe it I guess.” I said, looking at my lap. “Braxton?”


“What if they cant find the bastard that did it?”

“They will. They have officers patrolling the halls. They’ll find him.”

“Promise?” I asked.

“What are you? Like, 5 or som-” I glared at him. “I promise.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Uhm... wow, right?
I hated killing him off, but, thats the way the story goes..
comments? i only got 1 last chapter, and I expected more after being gone D:

I guess whats How it goes. Have a great Weekend. Probably updating Sunday night :)