Ribbons Academy for Boys


“That was before I got close to the guys. I don’t think I can handle this.” I took a seat next to him.

“Well its your stupidity that got you in this mess.”

“When the school goes back to normal, can I secretly move back in?”

“No. I heard they already have a replacement for your’s and Will’s spots.”

“They cant! That’s… No! Please! I’ll do anything to be in my dorm again!” I begged.

“I’m not the one to talk to.”

“Take me to the principal. Please.” I said. He sighed and led me to the principal’s office.

“What can I do for you? I’ve already got people checking in on the Oliver deal.” he said. I burst out sobbing. Maybe he was sucker for tears.

“I… I cant b-be in that dorm by my-myself… I miss my dorm so much. I will d-do anything t-t-to be back in Room 12 of Dorm F.” I sobbed.

“Hero, I cant do that. I already have someone coming.”

“I-In the 2 hours that th-this happened?”


“Please.” I sobbed loudly. He sighed.

“No.” I put my head in my hands and cried. By now it was all for show. But I really wanted to get back in Dorm F. “I said no! Now leave me!” I glared at him and ran out of his office.

“Hero!” I heard John yell and he ran after me.

“He said no.” I whispered. “Who says no to a hysterical woman?”

“Apparently he does.” John said.


The next Monday, I walked into German class. I sat in my normal spot. I looked to my left and saw Will’s empty seat. I frowned and put my head on my desk.

“Hey Hero.” I sat up and saw Braxton. I couldn’t help it. I got up and hugged him.

“Hi Braxton.” I whispered. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close.

“Is that your girlfriend Braxton?” someone asked. We pulled away and I saw a boy with light brown spiky hair.

“No. This is Hero. Hero, this is Mike. He’s the new guy in our dorm.” he looked like the words were poison. I didn’t blame him.

“Hi.” I whispered.

“Hello.” he smirked and sat down in Will’s seat.

“You cant sit there!” I said.

“Why not?”

“Because its occupied.” I snapped.

“Where can I sit then?”

“Anywhere but there.” I said. He grumbled and moved up a seat. Braxton sat in front of me.

“How’s your dorm?” he asked.

“It sucks. I tried everything to go back, but it didn’t work.”

“I noticed. It hasn’t been the same. The dorm isn’t fun.” I smiled.

“I’m glad I’m so missed.”

“Are you two done back there?” the teacher called. We nodded and he started class.

Mike was also in my chemistry class with Hank, Parker, Tanner, and I. He was annoying and cocky.

At lunch, I went to my dorm to ‘eat’. I ended p skipping my last classes. This stress was getting to me. Maybe I should just go to jail where I belonged. Or I run away and start a new life. I sighed. I couldn’t do either because I wouldn’t see my boys.

I was in the middle of homework when there was a knock on my door. I got up, opened the door, and saw Braxton.

“Hank and Rex said you weren’t in your afternoon classes.”

“Yeah. I didn’t want to go.” I said.

“Why? That seems so unlike you.” I shrugged.

“I don’t know. I don’t know what I’m doing anymore. I feel really alone.” I looked at the ground. Braxton stepped in my dorm quickly.

“Police officer. Oh! Guess what!”


“You were right, Oliver did kill Will. They are taking him to jail.”

“Really? Awesome! That has to count for something with the principal, right?

“Maybe.” he shrugged. “Want me to make you dinner?”

“No, you don’t have to.”

“I insist. Finish your homework.” he commanded.

“Fine.” I said. I went back to the couch and did homework. When I was done, I walked to the kitchen.

“This place feels so claustrophobic.” Braxton said.

“Tell me about it.” I muttered. “What are we having?”

“Spaghetti.” he grinned.

“Is that all you can make?”

“Yes.” he admitted. I giggled. When it was done, we sat on the couch because I didn’t have a table. “It sucks, we have to go back to the cafeteria.” I frowned.

“That sucks. I don’t have a cafeteria room. So I have to cook all my meals.”

“Better hen their food.” When we were done, I figured Braxton would leave, but he insisted on watching TV.

“The one week we get it, you might as well enjoy it.” was his argument. I didn’t mind. I liked the company.

“Are you getting tired?” he asked at 10:30.

“A little.”

“Sleepover time!” he said loudly. He was in a little kid mood all night. I was almost convinced he had a tad of multiple personalities.

“Braxton, I only have my bed.”

“I know.” he said and dragged me to my room. There was no arguing with him I guess. I grabbed some bootie shorts and a tank top and went to my bathroom to change.

When I got out, Braxton was slipping off his pants. I had seen him like this before, but damn, he was hot.

“Like what you see?” he smirked.

“What a cliché pick up line.”

“So it worked?”

“Nope.” I said and got in bed. Braxton turned off the lights and got in next to me. Even though it was dark, I could still see his features. He was so handsome. He leaved over and our lips grazed. If he kissed me, I’d feel like a whore.

He looked from my lips to my eyes, as if asking if it was okay. I looked down and he took that as an okay. His kiss was so different from Hank’s Braxton had a safe feeling. Hank was doing it for dominance, whereas Braxton was sweet.

His lips were soft and they felt perfect against mine. He didn’t try any funny stuff. No tongue or feeling me up. He was like a gentleman. He started to pull away and I let out a quiet whine.

“Goodnight.” he said and turned over. I stared at his back. I take that back, what an ass! Who does that? I frowned and fell asleep angry.

When I woke up, there was a warm arm around my torso, pulling me against something. I turned over and saw Braxton.


“What time is it?” I grumbled.


“Braxton! We’re missing classes!”

“Yeah I know. You looked peaceful though.” I frowned and he got up so I could.

“Hey, about that kiss last night-”

“What kiss?” he asked. I looked at him, dumbfounded.

“What..? You’re joking right?” he gave me a look. “You know, I don’t appreciate being used like that! I feel like a whore! First you kiss me to shut me up, then Hank kisses me even when that stupid game was over, and he does it again, then you kiss me and then say you don’t know what I’m talking about!? Do you know how that makes me feel?” I yelled.

“Hero, I didn’t… I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“I don’t want you to think I’m some sort of toy that you can use whenever.” I said more quietly. He took a step closer, then another, and then he was close enough to pull me into a hug. His bare chest pressed against me and it didn’t seem like he was letting go anytime soon, so I let him hug me.

“Hero, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for you to feel like that. I just…” he sighed and grabbed my face and kissed me again. I pushed him away forcefully.

“Stop it!” I demanded.


“Because I cant stand your stupid mind games!” I said.

“Mind games? Hero, I-” he stopped, “Sorry, I’ll leave then. He said and grabbed his cloths and left. I stood there, shocked. What just happened?

I got showered and went back to the principal’s office.

“Hero.” the principal said enthusiastically.

“So. I was thinking. Since Oliver is gone, move Mike to Dorm M and move be back to Dorm F.”


“Doesn’t tipping Oliver off count for something?” he sighed.

“Fine! Okay? Fine! Move back it! I’ll tell Mike to move after school then you can move back in.”

“Thank you!” I said, and happily left. I ran back to my dorm and packed.
♠ ♠ ♠
I throw my hands up in the air sometimessss. That song is stuck in my head. haha.
So how are all of you? DID YOU KNOW I HAVE ALMOST 190 READERS, AND OVER 50 SUBSCRIBERS? Thats amazing :D
I love all of you.

Today is a great day in history because... I just finished writing this :D Now i have to type the rest of it haha. It was sad because i actually had to pay attention at school... WOW it sucked.
So yeah. :)
I love old commentors just as much as i love new ones :) Dont be a silent reader(like me) and not comment. :D

<3 Katt :3