Ribbons Academy for Boys


“Like… Like friends, or…?”

“Like more. I have since our first kiss. I’ve never wanted to hurt you. I’ve always wanted to protect you and keep you for myself. And I don’t want you to say ‘I love you’ just because I did. Got it?” he asked. I nodded. He leaned down and kissed me, this time getting out of his comfort zone.

So to try to lighten the mood, my hands went down his stomch, then found their way under his shirt. He moaned and but Mayotte lip, causing me to moan.

It continued for about 5 minutes, then we started to slow the kiss down. He pulled away, and fell to my side, pulling me with him so I was laying on his chest. I didn’t know what to say. Kissing Braxton made me feel so good.



“We should get inside before we get introuble.” I let out a sharp breath. That so wasn’t what I thought he was going to say.

“Okay.” I slid off and he helped me up. As we walked back to the dorms, we held hands. He held the doors open for me and everything. How could such an ass be such a gentleman? Maybe that theory of someone being mean to you, means they like you is true.

“When we got in the door, he walked me to my room and he kissed my lips quickly.

“Goodnight.” he whispered.

“Night.” I said.


When Monday came around, Braxton and I still weren’t a couple. I wasn’t too disappointed. I didn’t want to rush things. Braxton came out while I was eating my cereal.

“Hey.” he mumbled.

“Hey.” I replied.

“Ready to go soon?”

“We have like, 20 minutes before classes start.” he looked up at the clock on the oven.

“Oh. Nevermind.” he chuckled. I rolled my eyes and finished eating my cereal. I put my bowl on the sink and resumed my seat. After awkward silence, I decided that we should go. I grabbed my bag and before we were out the door, Braxton grabbed my hand. I didn’t pull away.

When we got to the classroom, I led Braxton down our row to my seat. Before I sat down, Braxton pulled me towards him slightly and kissed my cheek. I blushed and we both took our seats.

“Are you sire you aren’t a couple?” Mike asked. We both turned to look at him.

“We arent.” I said slowly.

“Really? So you’re available?” he asked.

“No.” I scoffed.

“Don’t give me sass or I’ll move a seat behind me and sit in Will’s seat.”

“Stop being an ass, Mike. Leave her alone.” Braxton said. Mike glared at Braxton and slumped back to his seat.


After class, Braxton walked me out.

“My class is this way. I’ll see you later, okay?” he asked.

“Yeah.” I nodded. He smiled and disappeared in the crowd. No sooner had I started walking, I was pushed against the wall.

“Come on Hero, don’t you want to have a little fun tonight?” Mike asked. I looked down the halls, trying to find someone from my dorm.

“Get off.” I tried pushing him.

“Why wont you?”

“Because I don’t like you!” I growled.

“There doesn’t have to be any strings attached. No love, no commitment, just sex.” I slapped him. He glared at me and slapped me hard. I gasped and grabbed my face. Why was everyone slapping me? I looked up at him, almost in tears.

“If you don’t get away from me, I’ll scream.” He didn’t buldge, he stayed pressed against me. So I screamed, loud. Doors started opening, and people started to come out and stare. Mike was pulled back and put in handcuffs. Another officer came forward and cuffed me as well. Thanks Mike.

The officers walked us to the principal’s office and sat us down. The old man looked at us, studying us. I felt like he was looking into my soul. He looked over at Mikey and back to me.

“Is that your hand print on Hero’s cheek?” he asked Mike, pointing to me.

“Yes. But she slapped me too!” he turned his left cheek to the principal to see.

“Of course she did.” he shot. “What brought this on?”

“We got in a fight.” I said.

“Obviously.” I glared at him. Mike and I stayed quiet. “Fine. Hero, you are free to go.” an officer came up behind me and unlocked my handcuffs. I glared at Mike and walked out of the office. Class had already started, so I walked to John’s office.

“Hey Hero, what’s up?” he asked. I walked in.

“I don’t know. I don’t feel like going to art class. Its so boring.”

“Don’t you like art though?” he walked to his chair and sat down. Followed by me, sitting on the couch.

“Yes. But Mr. Hains doesn’t teach, or do anything at all.”

“Oh artist’s these days.” he said thoughtfully.

“Shut up.” I said.

“How are you and Braxton?”

“What?” the question caught me off guard.

“I saw you and Braxton making out in the lawn.”

“Wow, creeper.” I mumbled, turning red.

“Yeah I know. But what’s up?”

“With us? I really don’t know. He said he loved me out there and told me not to respond until I mean it.”

“Have you responded yet?” he asked, playing with his sleeve.

“No.” I admitted. “I don’t really know how.”

“Why not this weekend?”

“What do you mean?” I asked, confused.

“I don’t want to spoil it.” he shot me a crooked smile.

“Oh fuck you.” I said, standing up.

“If you want.”

“You’re such a kid!” I rolled my eyes. I started to walk to the door.

“I thought you didn’t want to go to art class.” I groaned and sat back down.

“You suck.”

“No, you do.” I immediately got the double meaning.



“Wow, I’m not a slut!.” I glared at him.

“Never said you were.”

“But you implied it.”

“Oh, never.”

“I hate you.” I crossed my arms over my chest.

“That’s too bad, ‘cause I love you.” he smirked.

“You are such a creeper!” I shrieked.

“Yeah I know.” I laughed with him.

“I’m going to go to my dorm and try to find some makeup to hide this.” I pointed to my face.

“Alright. That doesn’t look all that great.” he said.

“Wow, thanks.” I said.

“Yup.” he smiled, closing his notes. I got up and walked out. I went outside and around the school building to the dorms. When I got to my dorm, I looked through my make up bag and found some foundation.

I went to my bathroom and applied it over Mike’s hand print. It didn’t work as well as I want it too. I threw my cheap makeup at the mirror, cursing at it. I was afraid of what Braxton would say, or do. I walked to Chemistry and sat next to Parker.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry i didnt post for awhile, ive been busy, and lazy

And im sorry this sucks, there was a lot of dialog D: sorry, Next chapter is good though :D
Read my new story? Its called Vent.
kthx :D