Ribbons Academy for Boys


In English, no one(not even Braxton), noticed the handprint cover up. I was relieved because that meant they weren’t going to get in trouble by doing something stupid.

At dinner, the TV randomly turned on, scaring me. There was a little theme song then the principal showed up.

“Good evening. We’re going to start something new this weekend. On Saturday, the dorms on floor 1 will be going out. It doesn’t matter were, but it has to be in city limits, and you will be occupied by a police officer. On Sunday, the same thing will happen with all the dorms on floor 2, and we will continue the following weekend with the other floors.” he said. I glanced at Tanner, his eyes were big. “If you have any questions, please come and ask me. That is all, thank you.”

“This is going to be awesome.”

“I cant wait, its going to be so much fun.”

“Parker, we can go on a date.” Tanner said. I looked over at them.

“Yes we can. I’ll plan it, okay?” Parker asked. They were so cute.


After dinner, I went to my room to finish homework. I was almost done when the door opened. I looked up and saw Braxton. He walked in nonchalantly and sat on my bed.

“Can I help you?” I asked. I was sitting with my back against the wall across from my bed.

“Yes ma’am.” he said and leaned against the wall by my bed.

“I’m waiting.” I said with a small laugh.

“Wanna hang out this weekend? Like a date?” That surprised me. A date?

“Um, sure.” I said.

“Awesome.” he smiled. I went back to homework, and he didn’t get up to leave like I though he would.

“What are we going to be doing?”

“Seeing as its an all day thing, hang out all day and go to dinner.”

“Will I have to dress up?”

“Nah. It wont be that fancy.” he shrugged. I nodded and finished my last math problem and then put my stuff away. I watched Braxton play with my comforter. He looked so cute. His hair was covering his face. It was probably about jaw line now, compared to when I met him. “Guess what.” he said, not looking up.


“We’re turning 18 on Friday.” my eyes went wide.

“Really?” I asked.

“Yes.” he laughed. “So Sunday will be our birthday party for ourselves.

“That’s a little pathetic.”

“Yeah.” he agreed and brought his legs up and rested his arms on them. We both sat there, awkwardly. “Come here.” he beckend. I got up and climbed on my bed. I sat next to him and he put his arm around me. I rested my head against him and I soon drifted off to sleep.


In the morning, I woke up to an arm around me, and staring at an amazingly toned chest. I glanced at my alarm clock. 6:45.

“Braxton.” I said. He made a small noise. I shook him and he still didn’t wake up. I sighed and trailed my tounge from his chest, up his neck, to his lips and stopped. He smiled and tightened his grip around me. “Come on Braxton.” I whined.

“What? I was having an amazing dream.”

“About what?”

“You licking me from my chest to my lips.”

“I actually just did.” I giggled. His eyes shot open and he patted his chest, feeling for my saliva.

“Damn, do it again so I can be awake.” I pushed him.

“Nope. You missed out on a once in a life time chance.” I said, getting up. He sighed and got up as well. He came over to me, wrapped his arms around me from behind, kissed my cheek and left.

What a strange kid.


So during my last class, which is swimming, the teacher said he had to clean the pool, so we wouldn’t be swimming. I sat in the bleachers, working on homework.

“Hey.” I looked up and saw Hank walked up to me.

“Hey.” I replied. We hadn’t really been talking lately.

“What’s up?”

“Homework.” I said, showing him my books. He nodded and sat next to me.

“Can I ask you something?”

“I guess.”

“Why him?

“What do you mean?”

“Why Braxton? I mean, I get because of what I did, you don’t want me, but Braxton raped and killed someone.”

“Because he hasn’t tried to rape me or anything. He’s such a gentleman. I can tell he doesn’t want to hurt me, I feel safe with him. He-”

“But he’s dangerous! He killed someone Hero!”

“You raped 6 women!” I said in a hushed whisper.

“No, 5.”

“Don’t I count?”

“Oh, right.” he said, looking at his hands.

“Hank, I’m choosing Braxton because he’s been here for me. He went to my home and fought my stepfather, and saved my life. He’s just been there more, and all you want me for is sex.” I said.

“Fine. I understand.”


“I guess.” he mumbled. The bell rang and I gathered my things and went to my locker. I felt bad, I lied to Hank. I hadn’t actually chosen Braxton. Or Hank. I felt like Hank was out of the question because of what he’s done to me.


“Get up! Get up! Get up lovebirds!” Tanner was shaking Braxton and I.

“Go away!” we both said.

“No, its your birthdays!”

“Tanner.” I groaned. I turned into Braxton’s chest and buried my head. Why was I in his bed? I fell asleep on the couch while we were talking.

“Okay, we’re up.” Braxton said.

“Fine.” Tanner said over dramatically.

“He’s gone.” Braxton said.

“Okay.” I mumbled, not moving. Braxton moved away and lifted my head to face him. I looked into his gorgeous icy eyes and he looked into my dull brown eyes. He closed the gap and kissed me. The kiss was soft and sweet. His hand traveled down my side to my leg and he pulled it over his hops. It actually surprised me that he was doing something. But at the same time, I was so confused. I shook it off and enjoyed the kiss. When he started pulling away, I whined lightly.

“Happy birthday.” he chuckled.

“Happy birthday to you too.” I said. He smiled and rolled out of bed.
♠ ♠ ♠
:) yay for updates, right? :)
And YAY for comments/readers/subscribers. I love each and every one of you :D

And can i ask you all something? Do any of you have any good monologues? I want to try out for my school's musical and its a bitch trying to find a monologue. Which is weird cause 2 years ago it was so easy :/ I have 2 that i kinda like, but idk. If you have any sites, please let me know! Thank you so much! :D

I think that's it. Life's been boring.. actually not really, buttt yeah :)
<3 Katt