Ribbons Academy for Boys


“What are we doing here?”

“Getting your tickets.” I gave him a weird look. We got inside and he found a counter by the cash registers that said, “Ticket West”.

“How can I help you?” the old lady said. She wasn’t that old. 60’s maybe? She had brown curly hair pulled back into a tight bun. She had terrible bright blue eye shadow on.

“I need 2 tickets for Red Hot Chili Peppers.” I said.

“You let her listen to that shit?” she asked John.

“It’s for her boyfriend’s birthday. One night wont kill her.” John said. The lady was punching things into the dinosaur computer.

“Humph. Use protection then.” she shot.

“Please don’t talk to my daughter like that.” John said.

“Sorry.” she mumbled. “$58.98.”

“Shit. I only have $45.” I looked up at John. “Dad?” I asked. He took out his wallet and took out $20 and we paid her. She handed me a small envelop with the tickets. We left silently and got out to his car.

“Thank you.” I said as he pulled out of the parking lot.

“Don’t worry about it.” he shrugged.” we made small talk as we went about to school. We got to the dorm building and walked to the second floor.

“Goodnight Hero.”

“Night John.” I whispered and slipped into the dorm. I went to Braxton’s room and slipping it. It was about 11:30, so I’m pretty sure he was asleep. I kicked my shoes off by the bed and stuck the tickets in them. I took my YMAS jacket off and threw it on the floor as well. I pulled the covers back and slid in by Braxton. He started to stir.

“Hero?” he mumbled.

“Yeah, go back to sleep.” I whispered.

“Mmkay.” he said and wrapped his arm around me and we fell asleep.


When I woke up, Braxton’s arm was still around me and his forehead was resting on my shoulder. I slipped my arm around his. His head lifted and I turned to him.

“Morning.” he smiled.

“Morning.” I turned, and grabbed the envelop out of my shoes. “Happy late birthday.” I smiled. He took the envelope and opened it. His mouth dropped and his eyes lit up.

“H-Hero… This… Wow. Thank you so much.” he lowered the envelope and pressed his lips against mine quickly.

“I’m glad you like it.”

“Are you going with me? I mean, you said you didn’t like them that much.”

“Do you want me to go?”

“Yes.” he grinned.

“That was the plan.” I smiled back.

“You didn’t have to get me anything you know.” he said.

“Yes I did. You got me a beautiful guitar.” I said.

“But you gave me the best present already.” he said quietly.

“What?” I asked, totally confused.

“You said you loved me.” he leaned over and kissed me. His lips massaged mine slowly. It was a slow, sweet kiss. When we pulled away, we stared into each others eyes for a minute. They were so beautiful.

“We need to get a move on. I have the whole day planned out.” he said. I whined.

“Fine.” I rolled out of bed, grabbed my shoes and jacket and left. They sun seeped through the kitchen window. I noticed dark clouds on the horizon though.

I went to my room and grabbed dark wash blue skinny jeans and my new Escape The Fate shirt that Tanner got me. I went to the showers and took a quick shower. I blow dried my hair and straightened it. I pulled my bangs back into a small bump and put on some light makeup. I pulled on green Converse and a red sweatshirt and pulled a black North Face over top.

I walked out of my room and got some toast. Some of the other boys were up now. I stood by the sink, eating my toast when Braxton emerged from the showers, wearing only a towel around his waist. He saw me, smirked, and walked over to me. He pressed his body against mine and took a bite of my toast.

“Hey!” I exclaimed.

“Sorry.” he said, still chewing.

“Close you mouth when you chew.” he took another bite.

“No.” he said, wrapping his arms around me, and he started kissing my neck. It really tickled.

“Braxton.” I giggled, trying to push him away.

“No PDAing!” someone joked.

“Don’t tell the dorm leader what to do!” Braxton called. I giggled more. Braxton let go of me and left. Probably to get dressed. Chase, Tucker, Gerald, and Fye were looking at me.

“What?” I asked. Tucker shrugged.

“You two are disgustingly cute.” Chase commented. I blushed a deep red.

“Thanks.” I said into my toast. When I had finished, I went to the main room to sit on the couch, when Braxton’s door opened. He was wearing faded jeans and a purple American Eagle shirt and a black North Face as well.

“Twins.” I grinned. He looked down and smiled.

“Lets go. Bye everyone!” he called and I followed him out the door. Braxton grabbed my hand and led me to the officer’s office. They gave us an officer that looked normalish. He was wearing jeans and a plain red polo shirt.

“Where to?” he asked when we got in the car.

“Lloyd Center.” Braxton answered.

“I’m Dwight by the way. I’ll be following you guys around, but I’ll try not to look like a weirdo.”

“Okay.” I laughed.

“What are your names?” Dwight asked.

“I’m Braxton, this is Hero.”

“Nice to meet you.”

“Are you a new officer?” I asked.

“Yeah, why?”

“Because most all guards don’t care about what our names are and I’ve never seen you before.”

“Well, I can be an ass if you’d like.” he said as he pulled out to the main road.

“No, its okay.” I said.


When we got to the mall, he parked in the parking garage and we got out and walked into Barns and Noble. Dwight was following. We walked out of the store and he led me to the center of the 3 story mall. There was a fucking ice rink in the middle! Braxton dragged me to the entrance of the rink.

“What size?” he asked.

“Uh, 6.” I said. He told the guy and he gave use some shoes. “I’ve never done this before.”

“Really? I used to come here every weekend with my friends and girlfriend.” Braxton said. I got the red leather shoes on and Braxton helped me out on the ice.

“Don’t let go.” I said, death gripping his arm.

“I wont.” he whispered smoothly in my ear. He started teaching me how to do it. Little kids were whizzing past us. “Got it?” he asked after a while.

“Yeah, I think.” I said. Braxton let go slowly and started skating. I went to go, but I fell on my ass. A little boy went by, laughing. “Shut the fuck up you brat!” I yelled. He stuck his tongue out at me. Braxton skated back and helped me up.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I said. He nodded and we started skating around the rink again. I wasn’t as dependant anymore, we were holding hands. I noticed Dwight was looking at one of the many booths by the rink.

After a few times around the rink with Braxton, I told him I wanted to try solo again. He protested but let me. He was skating next to me. I had finally gotten it! Braxton and I went around the rink a few more times, and we quit because I was freezing.

“Where to now?” I asked.

“Anywhere. It’s almost noon if you want to head to the food court.”

“Uh, guys?” we turned to Dwight.

“Yeah?” Braxton asked.

“My wife’s birthday is tomorrow, and she really wants a sweatshirt from Hollister… Do you think…?”

“Yeah, sure.” I said. Braxton looked like he was going to protest but I squeezed his hand. Never say no to a man with a gun. So we followed Dwight to Hollister. We all kind of went in areas, and through the small spaces, I noticed Braxton looking through on of the shirt racks.

“Are you one of the Hollister models?” I heard a high pitched voice ask over the obnoxiously loud music. I turned and saw an African American girl wearing short shots and a Hollister sweater with a pink North Face. Talking to Braxton.

“No.” Braxton said.

“Oh, well you should be. I’d buy whatever you were selling.” she said. I was nonchalantly making my way over to them.

“Well, thank you.” Braxton said.

“Are you done flirting with my boyfriend?” I asked, appearing next to Braxton. She laughed.

“Yeah right. Why would he date someone like you?” she asked.

“Because she’s beautiful, smart, and adorable, and everything I’d ever want in a girl.” Braxton said and slipped his arm around my shoulders. She looked like she got bitch slapped and she walked away. I noticed Dwight walking over to us with a bad in his hand.

“I’m ready.” he said.

“Okay.” Braxton said and we left. He started up the escalator to the 3rd floor. The food court.

“Holy shit.” There was like, a million places to eat. And there was a fucking movie theater there! “Where are we going to eat?”

“Over here.” he said and pulled me over to a corner near a wing of the mall that had no stores. It was a little Chinese/Japanese thing that didn’t look that busy.

“Two number ones.” Braxton said. “Tell them what you want.” I nodded and pointed to the noodles. The Asian lady piled the noodle and veggie goodness on my plate and gave it to the next lady. I pointed at the orange chicken and the fried shrimp. I grabbed a Snapple as she put it next to the cash register. Braxton appeared next to me.

“Spring rolls?” the lady asked.

“2 please.” Braxton said. The lady got 2 spring rolls and set them on our tray. Braxton paid and I grabbed the tray.

“Oh, don’t forget these.” the lady said and gave us each a fortune cookie. Dwight was behind us inline and we found a 2 seat table. We got our food situated and Dwight sat a few tables away.

“So, I’m your boyfriend, huh?” Braxton asked. I had food in my mouth and I blushed. I swallowed before answering.

“Yeah I guess. I mean, I don’t know. I got jealous.: I was really nervous.

“Really?” I heard the amusement in his voice.

“Yes.” I was playing with me food.

“Hero, look at me.” I looked up at him. He was really amused. “Will you be my girlfriend?” I didn’t know what to say, so I nodded. His smile got bugger. “Good.” we continued eating, talking about mindless things.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hi! Sorry i havent posted.
Ive been to happy to type. Is that possible?
Yes it is. Sorry, ive just been spending a lot of time with my boyfriend, and ive been typing little bits at a time, and now i have it all out :D

So the Lloyd Center! That's were i've been talking about for a while :D Yayayayaaa.
This story is over 100 pages in word processor :O AMAZING
and I love comments and subscibers!
I HAVE 101 SUBSCRIBERS! Thats amazing! i never thought this story would get this big!

Thank you all so much! <3