Ribbons Academy for Boys


Braxton finished eating first and I offered my food to him, because I knew I’d never be able to finish it all.

“So where are we going to live?” I asked out of the blue.

“When we graduate?” I nodded. “I got an apartment waiting. My parents said they’d pay for it until I get a good paying job.”

“That’s cool. Are your parents nice? You know, I know nothing about your family.”

“My parents are okay. My dad, Rick, is an attorney, and my mom, Jen, is a doctor. And I have a brother named, Ashton. He turns 10 next month.”

“That’s cool. How did they react when they found out?” I asked.

“My mom freaked, but my dad was pretty chill. He represented me in court. My mom really doesn’t want me to move back in, that’s why I have the apartment waiting.

“Cool. I guess.” I said. He laughed.

“Yeah. Here.” he tossed me a cookie. “On 3, okay? 1..2..3” we both cracked them open.

“What’s yours say?” I asked.

“‘Let go of your fears and give into temptation’ yours?”

“‘You will loose a loved one soon’.”

“These things aren’t real Hero.” Braxton said. He put his hand over mine. “I’m not going anywhere.” I smiled.

“Okay.” I said. I had a feeling it wasn’t about him though, but I had no idea what else it could mean. When we were done, we decided to go see a movie.


When the movie was over, it was about 4:30. I followed Braxton down to the bottom floor.

“Where to now?” I asked.

“it’s a surprise.” Braxton said. “Dwight.” he said and turned around. Braxton walked over to the officer and whispered stuff to him. Dwight was nodded and when they were done, that started walking past me. They were heading back to Barns and Noble to get to the parking garage.


“Nope.” he said. I frowned and followed him with my head down. What the hell was going on? We got in the car and Dwight started to drive out of town. I was ‘ignoring’ Braxton. I was slightly peeved. Why wouldn’t he tell me? I always got nervous about surprises. We started into neighborhoods, and I was getting suspicious. “Right over there is where our apartment is.” I followed his finger to this giant thing that overlooked the whole city.

“That’s awesome.” I said.

“A left here.” he suddenly said. Dwight followed his orders.

“Where are we going?” I asked, getting mad.

“Having dinner with my parents.” Braxton said casually.

“I thought your mom-”

“I know, but she still loves me. She just doesn’t want me to move in again. Which I can understand. But they are excited to meet you.” I was more nervous then I was before.

Dwight pulled up to this small, 2 story house. It looked old, and cute. The blue siding was fading and there was plants everywhere. I was trying to imagine Braxton as a kid, running around and playing. Braxton led us to the door and knocked. The door opened and revealed a short lady with a blonde pixie cut and blue eyes.

“Braxton!” she said and pulled him down for a hug.

“Hi mom.” he said. Dwight and I walked in the house after them, and stood awkwardly in the living room. A man that looked in his late 50s, came in and a little boy trailed behind.

“Mom, dad, this is our officer, Dwight, and this is my girlfriend, Hero. Dwight, Hero, this is Jen and Rick, and my little brother, Ashton.”

“Pleasure to meet you.” Jen and Rick both shook our hands.

“Dinner is almost ready, if you want to sit in the living room. Can I get you anything to drink?” Jen asked. I didn’t know what to say. Or if I could even talk. I’ve never done anything like this before. I’ve never had a read boyfriend that wasn’t gang related.

“No, thank you.” I smiled. We all sat in the living room while Jen was in the kitchen.

“So, how’s school going Braxton?” his dad asked.

“School’s going good. I’m still getting all A’s on all my work.”

“That’s great to hear. What kind of student are you Hero, if you don’t mind me asked.?”

“I take school very seriously. I’m an A student. The judge actually gave me a choice of 10 years in prison, or Ribbons, and I chose Ribbons because I wanted to finish my last year of high school.” I explained.

“That’s interesting.” Rick said. “Do you two have any classes together?”

“German and English.” I said, Rick nodded.

“Dinner’s ready!” Jen called. We all migrated to the dinning room. There was a giant chicken on the tables, accompanied with potato salad, rolls, beans, and salad. “Pepsi?”

“I’ll have water, please.” I said.

“I’ll take a pop.” Braxton said. His mom went to the kitchen and came back out with our drinks. We all sat down, his parents at the heads and Braxton and I on one side, Ashton and Dwight on the other.

When we got our plates filled with delicious food, conversation started.

“So Hero, why are you at Ribbons? You seem like a sweet girl.” Jen said.

“I was in a gang.”

“Oh really?” she asked.

“Yeah, I dealt drugs for money for my family. And one say, I got caught.”

“Did you kill someone?” Ashton asked. He had a giant smile on his face and his eyes were wide as he leaned over his plate.

“Uhm, yeah.” I whispered.


“Ashton!” his parents said and went back to dinner.

“Are you from Oregon?” Rick asked.

“No, Minnesota.” I said, taking a bite from my roll.

“Oh, well I guess meeting your parents would be a little hard.” Jen chuckled.

“I think that’s a little out of the question.” Braxton cut in.

“Why?” Jen asked. It went silent, and I decided to talk because Braxton obviously wasn’t going to.

“My dad is dead, my mom is in the hospital because my step dad shot her.”

“Oh, I’m very sorry to hear that.” Rick said. I shrugged.

“Its fine.” the conversation changed and I ate quietly.

When we finished, Jen took all of the plates in, despite my protests to help. When she was done, she brought out fried ice cream. I wasn’t a giant fan of fried food, but I tried it and it was surprisingly good.

At about 6:30, Braxton announced that we should go. I hugged his parents and brother goodbye, and Dwight and I waited outside while Jen was talking to Braxton.


“Braxton, that girl is really sweet, I like her a lot.” mom told me.

“I like her too mom.” I smiled.

“Don’t go breaking her heart. I saw how uncomfortable and hurt she was when she talked about home. It sounds like she’s got a lot on her plate.”

“Mom, I wont hurt her. She’s too amazing. It took me until today to get her to be my girlfriend. I’m not going to let her go.” I said. My mom smiled.

“Good. Bye Braxton.”

“Bye mom.” I smiled and kissed her cheek and walked out. Dwight and Hero were waiting by the car. Hero was looking so cute in her red sweatshirt and her hair looked adorable and framed her face perfectly. I climbed in the car after her and she sat in the middle seat and leaned on me and I put an arm around her.

“Your mom is a great cook. I’m so full.” she clutched her stomach. I chuckled. I pressed my lips to the top of her head and said,

“Yeah, but yours is better.” And I kissed her temple. I saw her blush. Fuck she was so damn cute. I felt butterflies in my stomach just thinking about her. God I sound gat. Maybe this is what love is supposed to feel like.


When we got back to Ribbons, we said goodbye to Dwight, and walked to our dorms. There was no one in the main room so either everyone was still out, or they were in their rooms.

“Get your pjs on, and sleepover in my room.” Braxton told me. I giggled and skipped to my room. I quickly stripped and grabbed red booty shorts and a white tank top. I ran back to Braxton’s room and walked in. He was taking his pants off and he was already shirtless.


“Hey! I’ve seen you like this before.” I said, crossing my arms.

“Yeah, I know.” he shot me a lopsided grin and walked over to me. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me. I put my hands on his head and brought him closer to me, deepening the kiss. I wanted him so bad at that moment. I started to slip my hands under his boxers but he stopped me.

“Braxton.” I whined.

“Hero, I don’t want to. I mean, I do, but I don’t.”

“Why not? We can wear a condom!”

“There is still that chance you could get pregnant.” he said.

“Do you have an STD?” I asked.


“Then you’re scared I’ll give you one.” I stated.

“Kind of, but-”

“Come on Braxton.” I whispered in his ear. I kissed his temple. “I bet you’d love to rape me like you did that other girl.” I nibbled on his lobe. He moaned lightly.

“Hero, I said I wanted you, but-”

“What? Am I not good enough?”

“No! Hero! You are so much better. I don’t feel like I deserve you. I respect you.”

“I don’t want you to respect me, Braxton! I want you too fuck me.” I trailed my finger slowly down his stomach, to the hem of his boxers. “I know you want to.” I sang quietly. I could feel his erection against my thigh. He grabbed my face and kissed me forcefully.

Braxton pushed me back to the bed and got on top of me. He slid my shirt off and threw it somewhere and pressed his lips to mine and his tongue followed into my mouth. I was tired of foreplay, I wanted to feel him. I reached down and started to tug his boxers down.

“Hold on.” he said and got off the bed. He went to his drawers and pulled something out, and dropped his boxers. After a few seconds he walked back to me and startled me. “Are you sure you want to do this?

“Yes, are you?” I asked. He nodded and pulled my shorts and panties off.

“Ready?” he asked.

“Yes.” he’s so cute.

Braxton grabbed my hips, and pulled me towards him. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he lowered his body and I could feel him inside me. I didn’t realize how big he was until I felt the stab of pain, but the pleasure was overpowering. I couldn’t help but let out a low moan. I watched his ab muscles flex with each thrust.

I reached up, my hand grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him to me, so I could kiss him passionately, he bit my lower lip slowly, and we both fell back on the bed, bodies meshed my puzzle pieces. My bare chest pressed into his, the weight of him on top of me, the warmth of his breath on my neck, his had wrapped around my waist, I couldn’t control my breathing.

I gasped for air and groaned instinctively as he bit my collarbone, and hand cupping my breast, and the other supporting my head. Slowly, and carefully he moved in and out of me, and with out warning, he pinned me to the bed and trust himself deep inside of me. He stared intently into my eyes, holding my arms above my head, hands gripping my wrists.

“Oh! Fuck. Brax-” I tried to mumble, but my voice warped into a desperate, satisfied, and incredulous moan. He was breathing heavily.

He slipped out of me and sucked on my neck, nibbled at my ear, and kissed me from my collarbone to my bellybutton. I gripped the comforter within my hands, trying to suppress my embarrassing sighs, grunts, and sounds. He spread open my legs, before kissing my thighs, inches from my crotch. I was covered in good bumps, and grabbed his hair in my hand, hearing him murmur,

“Oh, god. Hero-” in a low, smooth, and serious tone. He smiled up at me, a bead of sweat dripping from his forehead.

“That was… like nothing I’ve ever experienced.” I confessed. I was a little out of breath. We laid there for a bit, and I started getting cold. “I’m freezing.” I mumbled. He got out of bed, took his condom off, grabbed his boxers and put them on.

“I don’t see your shirt.” I giggled. He threw me my panties and shorts and one of his shirts. I put the cloths on and Braxton climbed back into bed.

“I hope no one heard us.” I said.

“I bet they did, but oh well.” he laughed. I whined and snuggled closer to him.

“Goodnight Braxton.”

“Goodnight Hero.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too.” he kissed my forehead and we fell asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
So! Credit to the sex scene goes to one of my best friends. Haha. Mine i guess was really shitty. Oh well :)

Are you guys getting bored/tired of the layout? i was going to make a new one, but i didnt know what you all think, so comment and let me know?

And if you didnt read the comment i posted,(i forgot to say last time), the musical my school is doing is The Sound of Music :) and i cant sing so i'm a Nun. :( very disappointed, but very expected.

One last thing, i dont think Poems get read a lot of here, and i have some, so if you're bored, and when you're done commenting, read&&comment on my poems?
Sorry, i dont know how to do all if the fancy coding, im really tired.

Okay i lied, this is the last thing: I have over 400 readers! and almost 110 subscribers. To be honest, i started writing this story in Government class because i was really bored, and this was just a writing exercise at first, but now that its so big and a lot of people like it.. Im speechless. I love all of you so much. I say this all the time, but i really do.

I love all your comments too. I love checking in the middle of the day and it says i have comments. and im sorry if i dont post on your profile and say thanks, i just feel like everyone does that, and im not one to follow it the footsteps of others.

{Btw, this isnt the end if anyone was concerned}

So, now that im done with this novel, Have a great day/night,
<3 <3 <3,