Ribbons Academy for Boys


After my shower, I went to make breakfast. On the fridge I saw a paper that read:

1. No trying to rape Hero
2. No hookers, strippers, sluts, etc.
3. No walking around naked
4. Be home by midnight
5. Be quiet when you masturbate
6. Be respectful
7. Treat everyone like your brother/sister
8. No one allowed in Hero’s room past 10pm
9. Help around dorm
10. Danger strikes, buddy up
11. No having Hero strip

The last one was written sloppily. I’m guessing Braxton wrote that there. He was really pissed that I was in my underwear and bra last night. I shrugged it off and then got my milk for my Flintstone cereal.

When I was almost done eating, Hank came in, fully dressed. He pulled my seat back, causing me to cry out in surprise. He picked me up and set me on the floor, he sat in my chair, and ate my cereal.

“What the fuck?” I asked.

“What?” he asked.

“Why are you eating my cereal?” I asked as I stood up.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” he smirked. I frowned and punched his arm as I went to the living room. I laid down on one of the couches and closed my eyes.

“Hey you sexy beast.” I heard Tanner say. I opened my eyes and saw him hovering over me.

“Hey queer bag.” he frowned. I smiled and sat up.

“Class starts in 10 minutes.”

“Shit.” I shot up and grabbed my bag and ran out. I hated being late, it just seemed so unprofessional to me. I got into German class and sat next to Will.

“Hey.” he greeted me.

“Hey.” I said back. I was about to say more when the bell rang. The teacher got in front of us and started talking.

“So, if you haven’t heard, on Saturday, we’re having parent day. From 1-3pm.” he said. I raised my hand. “Yes Ms. Michealson?”

“What’s parent’s day? Like, I get the parents part, but what goes on?”

“Glad you asked.” he smiled. “We pay for your parents or girlfriends to fly or drive out for a few hours to see you.”

“Just for a few hours?”

“Yes, we don’t want anything to happen. We’ve had past tragedies. So we keep it to a few hours.”

“Yeah, and they chain you to the chairs.” a boy laughed.

“It’s for your safety!” the teacher said, then we started the lesson.


That Saturday, we had to wear pocket less jumpsuits. Why? Because they didn’t want us to get any weapons, drugs, etc., from our visitors. I walked out of my room wearing my one-size-too-big-puke-orange jumpsuit.

“Jail with 100 PMSing bitches is looking like more fun.” I announced.

“But then you would never have met us.” Derell frowned.

“I know.” I sighed. I had my hair pulled pack into a ponytail, and I wasn’t wearing any makeup. There was a knock on the door and Braxton opened it, revealing an officer. We all left, following him to a different building. He led us to a room marked, ‘Dorm F.” There were about 15 small tables, each with numbers.

“Go to your room number.” the officer grumbled. All the boys dispersed. I found number 12 and I sat on the side with 1 chair. I saw officers going around, chaining the boys to something. When one came to me, he chained my right leg to the table and chair leg, both of which were chained down. I was a little nervous to see my mom and brother. I didn’t know why. I hadn’t been gone that long. People started coming in, and going to the tables. Most of them were girls, and I assumed girlfriends. I saw my mom and brother. I stood up and hugged my mom.

“Oh Hero. I missed you so much honey.” she said.

“Miss you too. And you Seth.” I said, hugging my brother.

“You bet.” they sat down. I noticed she wasn’t wearing her wedding ring.

“Mom?” I asked, grabbing her hand.

“Oh yeah… Boss and I are getting a divorce soon.”

“Well, actually he-”

“She doesn’t need to know.” my mom hissed.

“Yes she does!” Seth growled.

“Need to know what? Just tell me!” I cut in.

“He almost killed mom. Held a gun to her head. I was able to get him to stop, but then they got into a giant fight, and yeah.” Seth said. I did a silent prayer of thanks. No one knew what that bastard did to me, and now that he was out of our family life, I was a lot happier. Although, he will never be gone to me.

“How do you like it here, honey?” mom asked.

“I like it a lot. I mean, it’s a little creepy, but their good guys.” I shrugged.

“What are most of them here for?”

“Drugs, rape, and homicide.”

“Rape?” she whispered loudly. “And you stay in a dorm with them?”

“Well, yeah. I’ve done worse stuff then most of them put together. And like I said, they’re good guys. I don’t know most of their stories, but my friend Will from Dorm M was at a party drunk, had sex with a girl and she pressed charges as rape.” my mom was still frowning. Not like I could switch out now.

“How’s the food?” Seth asked quickly.

“I cook dinners, and lunch is usually in the crappy cafeteria, and breakfast is just breakfast.” I shrugged. I looked over at Braxton. His visitor was a blonde girl with skimpy clothing and big boobs. They were holding hands and talking closely to each other.

“Heeelllllllllllllooooo? Hero?” Seth snapped his finger in front of me. “Daydreaming about taken men?” he asked, looking in the direction I was.

“No.” I snapped. “Why would you date someone in jail? It doesn’t make sense to me. I mean, what if they were cheating on you?”

“Who was cheating on who?” Seth asked, confused.

“If I was dating someone right now, how would know if they were cheating on me right now? I mean, this is like long distance, he’s bound to be cheating.”

“You have to trust them” my mom said. I frowned.

“I couldn’t do it.”

When visiting hours were up, we were still talking. I glanced over to Braxton and I saw him kissing his girl. I looked closer and it looked like he was just standing there, not kissing back. She pulled away and he whispered something to her. Her face fell.

“You bastard!” she screamed. She started hitting him, and he stood there, taking ever blow. Police started running over. “After all I’ve done and gone through! All of it for you!” officers picked her up and carried her out. I saw Braxton sit back down.

“Well, that was fun. I love you honey.” my mom said and gave me a hug.

“Love you too.” I pulled away and hugged my brother.

“I miss and love you.” he said.

“Yeah right.” I said.

“You know me too well.” he laughed. I waved and they left. I sat back in my seat.

Tanner was at the table next to me. His visitor looked like his mom. She was saying goodbye and when they were done, she left.

“Mom?” I asked him.


“No dad?” I asked.

“He doesn’t come. He hates me.”

“Why?” I asked.

“I’ll tell you in a minute.” he said officers were going around and unhooking us. We had to stand by the wall, so Tanner and I stood by the corner.

“So?” I asked.

“He saw me with a boy. Like, in bed, and he is a homophobic. Then I tried to kill myself, because my dad and I were really close, and so my mom sent me here.”

“That’s terrible.” I said. I pulled him into a hug.

“Its fine, I don’t mind. I like it here.”

“Lets go.” an officer growled at all of us. He led us out. Hank was waiting by the door.

“Did you see what Braxton did?” he laughed.

“Broke up with his girlfriend?” I asked.

“Yeah. It was funny.” he chuckled. I linked arms with Tanner and Hank.

“You guys are great. I just want you to know that.” I smiled.

“Thanks.” they both said.
♠ ♠ ♠
So i felt generous. AKA, im really excited for you all to read what i have instore for you :)
I forgot to ask, do you like the new layout? :) I dooooo haha
i got 20 subscribers on this, and 63 readers. im so happy -almost in tears- lol. Thank you all so much!