Status: updates when I can

Seventeen Ain't So Sweet

First Encounter

It was kind of sad how little I’d changed in the last six or so years. Still the same skinny blonde dork, still the same goody-two-shoes. In a few ways Steph had stayed the same, but then again she was an ever-changing mystery.

“This is complete and utter bullshit.”

We were leaned up against my old, rusty Volkswagen bug. “What is?”

“Forced physical education. How they take it upon themselves to humiliate me for not being as athletic as the other bitches in our school.”

I nodded. “It is kind of stupid. But if you didn’t smoke so much it wouldn’t be such a problem.”

We smiled at each other, Steph holding a cigarette between her fingers as we spoke. “Shut up. I could be the prime example of health and I still wouldn’t be a good basketball player.”

“You might be right there.” Steph smacked me. “Yeesh, you’re a little violent today.”

“Can you blame me? Pat’s been an asshole to me all week since I wouldn’t suck his dick for his birthday. You’d think the fact that I fuck him would be enough.”

I winced at all the sex talk. I was a virgin, and I planned to remain that way for quite some time. “Steph, I’m going to remind you again of what a freak your boyfriend is. Normal guys don’t come to school in a pair of cutoff jean shorts with a straight face.”

“That’s why I like him.” Steph got that dreamy look on her face like she did when she talked about Pat. Maybe he was a first class weirdo, but I liked seeing her so happy. “He’s original.”

“Jeffery Dahmer was original.” I mumbled, and Steph rolled her eyes at me.

Steph now had her hair cut in a wild shag and dyed bubblegum pink, but the color changed every few weeks. Her brown eyes were constantly framed with loads of insane makeup, and a big hoop hung from the middle of her nose, making her look like a bull whenever she got mad. On this particular day she was wearing a black ruffled t-shirt that said ‘LICK ME!’, a gray and white tutu over lime green fishnet tights, and a pair of muddy combat boots.

I on the other hand was wearing a pair of old dark wash jeans that were slightly torn on one knee, a pair of blue Reebox, and a big gray and red hoodie with our school’s mascot on it. My hair was still light blonde, but it reached almost the small of my back. My mom had been on me to get it cut, but I liked it that way.

“Hey, ladies!”

We both turned our head, then waved at the boy coming towards us. It was our third musketeer, picked up in ninth grade. His name was Ryan, and he’d gotten miraculously cute during the summer before our junior year. Before he’d been a pimply little guy, but now he had broad shoulders and a million dollar smile, no spots in sight on his pale face.

“What’s up, Ken?” asked Steph with a smirk. Ken was what she called Ryan now, due to his Barbie-like transformation from dud to stud.

He ruffled her bright pink hair, getting a look. “Not much. I was hoping I could catch a ride from you, Halle.”

“Sure thing. We were planning on stopping at Gas ‘N Go.”

Ryan laughed. “I thought Stephanie got banned from there.”

“That was only last year, idiot. It’s not my fault they’re touchy about people drinking right out of the slushie machine.”

“Yeah, I wonder why that bothers them?” I gave her shoulder a soft push. “Let’s get going, my mom wants me home before six.”

“How come?” Steph asked as we all climbed into my car. It smelled like perfume and stale food.

“It’s my birthday tomorrow, supposed best friend. My grandpa is coming over for dinner.”

Ryan whacked Steph on the back of her head. “I remembered. I told her happy birthday this morning!”

“Her birthday isn’t until tomorrow, and don’t slap me!” Steph pivoted around to punch Ryan’s chest. “I happen to have an awesome gift for her, and I wasn’t going to say anything until her actual birthday.”

“Come now, let’s not argue over who gets to lavish me with more gifts.” I said in a haughty voice, getting an eye roll from both of my friends.

The Gas N’ Go was our regular hang-out. We were the only ones who thought it was fun, but that made it even better. None of the jerks that went to our high school would come there to bug us. We would buy candy bars and sip on slushies until the cows came home. Whatever that means.

As we walked into the little yellow gas station, Steph got a nasty look from the old guy behind the counter. We just giggled and headed for our back corner. That old guy really did hate us, especially Steph. He never wore a nametag, so we had all kinds of names for him.

“Horace looks especially crotchety today.” pointed out Steph as we perused the refrigerated section.

“I think it’s the anniversary of George Washington’s death. They were close personal friends you know.” Ryan always kept a straight face when he was saying ridiculous things like that.

I grinned at him and then made my own expression just as somber. “It’s always sad to lose a friend.”

“Shut up, you guys. You’re so corny.” Steph moved us out of the way so she could grab an Amp. “You make me embarrassed to hang out with you.”

We embarrass you?!” I looked at her incredulously. “Have you seen your hair lately, Steph?”

“You look like a strawberry tootsie pop.”

Ryan and I snorted at his lame comment, and Steph growled at us and glowered off. The two of us decided we would stalk Steph through the aisles and try to scare her. It was nearly impossible to scare my best friend who had seen more horror movies than anyone ever, but it would be funny when we both screamed like lunatics just for Steph to glare at us.

I took the medicine aisle, creeping along as low as I could and biting my lip so I wouldn’t giggle. When I got to the end of the aisle I held my breath, vibrating with that adrenaline that came with sneaking, even when it was just to scare your best friend.

I leapt out and put my hands out like claws, my mouth open and ready to screech. Steph wasn’t there, and I was looking out the window. There was a guy standing outside, his eyes focused on me. I froze, locking our gazes almost involuntarily.

He was tall and lean, with black hair that came to his chin in waves. His skin was deadly pale, dark circles under his eyes. His eyes were the weirdest part. It looked like they were glowing, their blue color so vibrant it was eerie, and the sun flashing off a car seemed to turn them red. Then I closed my eyes to blink for a split second.

And he was gone.

“Halle?…What are you staring at?”

Steph’s voice made me spin around, my heart hammering. She and Ryan were side by side, both apparently concerned by how I was acting. I broke out of my monster pose, wondering how long I’d been stuck there staring at that creepy guy. Handsome, but definitely still creepy.

“There was a…” I trailed off. They would think I was completely nuts. “Nothing. I was waiting to scare Steph.”

Stephanie shook her head at me. “You guys are stupid. It takes a lot more than that to scare me.”

I put a big smile on my face and nodded. “Yeah, you just have to look in the mirror.”

Steph hit my arm, probably starting a bruise. Ryan laughed at us and then turned to inspect the closest aisle. As soon as Steph wasn’t looking at me I let my eyebrows raise. I knew I’d seen that guy. But normal people didn’t disappear in a fraction of a second. Maybe he was just really fast.

Yeah, that was probably it.
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