She Wasn't Afraid.


I was lying on my bed with my earphones in listening to my music, my eyes closed trying to shut out the noises of my mother and father yelling at each other for the tenth time that day, finally I heard the door slam and a car drive off, my Father came back a few hours later and packed his bags...I haven't seen him since.

That was 2 years ago, I occasionally get a birthday card or an email containing details about his latest conquer named Maryanne, but other than that. Nothing.

I was fine with it, my Mum thinks there is something wrong with me since I never even shed a tear I just continued to do the same thing I usually did, hang out with friends or sit in my room with my music, she doesn't know that I used to cry myself to sleep, it took my awhile to realize the good guy is the one who stays and in movies people never cry over the bad guys.

"Sweetie you need to do something productive with your life" My mother said over dinner one night.

I looked up at her with no reaction on my face. "Why what's wrong with my life now?"

She took a sip of her wine and began to speak again, before she said anything I knew it was going to be a lecture.

"Allie your friends are in college during the week" I cut my Mum off with a groan of exhaustion.

"Not the college thing again Mother, I work during the week" I said to her.

I guess she doesn't like telling her friends that her daughter doesn't want to go to college, but it's my decision.

"Yes and then on the weekends you hang out with your friends and don't come back til early morning" She said after taking another sip of wine.

I stood up not wanting to continue this conversation.

"What can I do to get you off my back?" I turned and asked her.

"Well, I signed your name down to volunteer at the Children Hospital" She smiled at me.

I sighed and not wanting to get into a argument I threw up my hands in defeat.

"All you have to do is talk to them, and some reception work, you start Monday" She smiled again and said goodnight.

And so my life changed that night by one decision..
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I purposely have small chapters, this story is going to be about 10 chapters and they won't be very long I just had this idea in my head for awhile...please give it a chance okay.

thanks for reading! xx

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