She Wasn't Afraid.


It was 2 days later, I hadn't spoken to Hannah since her birthday since I had been so busy with work, I also applied to start college to study writing, I was there to tell her, skipping through the halls all the way to Hannahs room.

It was dark and the door was open, it was usually closed with the light on, I turned the light on and walked in, standing infront of the bed, it was empty, the sheets were clean, the bed was made, all the flowers and photos were gone.

I ran out to the front desk up to Susannah, "Did they move her? Hannah, did they move Hannah?" I frantically asked.

Susannah stood up from the desk and walked over to me, her eyes were puffy, looked as if she'd been crying.

"Nobody told you?" She asked, her voice croaking.
"Told me what?" I choked.
Susannah looked down and sighed.
"Told me what Susannah? What happened?!" I grabbed her arm, trying to get her to look at me.
"Hannah passed away early today Allie...I'm so sorry" She placed and arm on my shoulder, trying to comfort me.

I kept shaking my head, backing away from her slowly "No, no, no" I whispered slowly over and over again.

I ran away from Susannah before she could say another word, I kept running, my feet just wouldn't stop until I got to to a bulletin board near the front of the hospital, the board I walk past everyday since I started here, but I've never properly looked at it until today, instead of the usual things about the hospital there was a picture of Hannah, 'May you Rest in Peace Hannah Palmer, you and your bright smile will never be forgotten', it was right there, I walked straight past it and I didn't even notice.

I slumped down, sliding my back against the wall until I reached the ground, I burst out crying, my knees to my chest, occasionally banging my head against the wall, I didn't seem to notice the person crouching down in front of me until they spoke.

"Allie" he put a hand on my shoulder.

I looked at him, my eyes all was Owen, I jumped into his arms and started crying into his chest, he wrapped his arms around me, I could hear him crying as well, both us on the ground hugging each other crying, neither of us wanting to let go, but finally we did.

"I tried to call you, but your Mum answered saying you were on your way to the hospital, I told her what happened" He wiped away the tears on my face, helping me up.

"I can't believe it, I-I thought she still had a few months" I kept shaking my head, not wanting to believe that she was gone.

Owen put his hands on my cheeks, stopping me from moving my head, I looked at him, we rested out foreheads together before embracing in another hug.

"I know" he whispered in my ear "I guess she knew that it was going to happen because she wrote each of us a note"

I pulled away from the hug and stared at him as he pulled the letter out of his pocket handing it to me.

"I have to get back to my mum, I'm sorry Allie but we will talk soon" he kissed my forehead before leaving the hospital, taking a look back at me standing there staring at the envelope in my hands addressed to me, inside was Hannahs last ever words she'd say to me.

I crouched down and folded out the letter...