She Wasn't Afraid.


Standing in front of the mirror staring at the outfit I was forced to wear, it was pink and had kittens on it, I decided to curl my blond hair and leave it out.

Stomping down the stairs and meeting my Mum in the kitchen, she was cooking pancakes I raised an eyebrow at her, she hardly ever cooked breakfast.

"You look nice Allie, excited for your first day?" She said and put a pancake on my plate.

"Err...I'm about as excited you can be to go to a place full of sick people" I mumbled.

I never liked the hospital, I had a thing with germs and sick people it always creeped me out, and the idea of trying to act normal around kids who are really sick, some probably covered in burns from a fire or something.

I wasn't heartless, I just wasn't sure how I would act around them, it would be hard to act normal and pretend they're not sick.

My friends tried to talk me out of it, since they are all on break from College they expected me to hang with them the whole time but I figured if I did a good deed then I can get my karma points up and get my Mother off my back.

The inside of the hospital was bright, the walls and the floors were white, I could already see some kids with casts, some in wheelchairs or walking around with a machine connected to them. I tried not to look so I just walked right up to reception to see what I was meant to do.

Today was the day I would meet...Hannah