She Wasn't Afraid.


I took the day off work and at the hospital to be at Hannahs birthday, she was allowed out for that day to go to the park with a lake.

Once I got there she slowly walking over to me linking arms with Owen for support, I handed the present over to her which she opened straight away.

"Oh my goodness! Allie thank-you! I didn't know they still made polaroid cameras" She laughed before taking a picture of me.

"Now you two get together, Owen I'll be fine for 10 seconds, I want a picture of you and Allie" She pushed Owen a bit, we both agreed and go close and posed exactly how we were told.

Hannah took the photo and showed us, we both smiled, "You two look great better marry her Owen"

Owen laughed and put his arm around his sister to get her to be quiet, I just blushed.

The entire day was so much fun, Hannah was talking a lot of photos before pawning it off to her mum so she could take a few, she agreed and took one with Hannah and I then again with Owen, Hannah and I.

It was around 2pm everyone started leaving, the smile never left Hannahs face despite what happened yesterday, that's what I envied most about her, no matter what happens she'll keep smiling.

We were sitting on a rock facing the lake, she had a blanket wrapped around her.

"This was a fun day wasn't it Allie, I really liked my present" She kept facing the water.

"Well I remember you saying you've always wanted one last week so I bought it online and thankfully it came in the mail yesterday just in time" I laughed.

"I have a present for you Allie" She looked at me "I don't care it's my birthday, I'm still giving you something" She handed me a book filled with blank white pages.

"For your writing, maybe this will help the writers block, you could even study that at college" She hinted, nudging me and laughing.

I sniffed "Thanks Hannah, this is...great" A tear rolled down my cheek, wiping it away before she could see.

"You're my best friend you know that? And I'm sorry I'll have to leave you but I have to" She looked at me, tears in her eyes also.

I looked back at her "You're my bestfriend too, but stop talking like that, sounds like you're saying your goodbyes already, you still have a few months"

She nodded in response "You've finished your volunteer at the hospital, now you can go back to earning actual money" she laughed.

"I'm still going to visit you though, but I can't tomorrow, I have to work all day" And with that we said our goodbyes as she went back to the hospital and I went home.