You're Such a Gorgeous Nightmare

Sometimes A Sad Ending Is A Happy Beginning

~Bryan's POV~

Nothing. Absolutely nothing in my life ever felt so right like the moment her lips touched mine, the moment she kissed me back. It's like nothing else mattered. Like time stopped, The Earth stopped spinning, like the wind blew with such force but it would just circumvent us. My heart beat so fast I thought it will pop out of my chest.

The sound of my phone ringing snapped me back to reality. I lightly pulled away for Liz. I took it out of my pocket and opened it to check the caller ID. I felt my heart speed up again. It was Dolores. I stared at the screen for a few moments, frozen, with million thoughts running through my mind.

Elizabeth's voice startled me. “Bryan? Aren’t you gonna answer it?”

“Um..Yeah.” I pressed the answer button? “Hello?”
“Brybear where are you?” I heard her ask like nothing happened earlier.
“I’m in London. At the show.”
“Well where exactly, ‘cause I don’t see you or your friends at the backstage.” She said the word friends with disgust in her voice.
“Wait, what? How do you know that I’m not at the backstage?” I could sense my blood starting to boil.
“Because I came to surprise you, and imagine how I felt when I realized that I flew across the Atlantic Ocean to see you and you’re nowhere to be found!” She said that like it’s the most normal thing anyone has ever done.
“You did what?!” I couldn’t believe my ears. “Why didn’t you call? Or even texted me?”
“Well I said it was a surprise, dummy!” She giggled.
“Where are you now?” I felt my body tremble.
“I’m in front of your hotel.”
“Don’t move! I’ll be there in ten minutes.”
“’Kay Brybear, see you!” She squealed. I press the end call button and sighed.

“You need to go?” I nodded. “It’s okay, it’s getting pretty late anyways.” She smiled to me. I felt my stomach turn upside down again.
I looked at her apologetically. “Let me at least walk you home.” I offered.
“No, Bryan, it’s okay. Really. I live three blocks away.” I sighed. I saw a cab driving towards us and I signed to the driver to pull over.
“Here, I wouldn’t be able to sleep tonight knowing that I let you walk three blocks alone at 3am in the morning.” She smiled. I payed the driver in advance.
“Thanks Bry.” She got on her toes and pecked me on the cheek. I felt my cheeks getting red. I can’t believe I’m actually blushing.

I saw her picking through her purse trying to find something. “Here it is.” She took out a pen and a piece of paper. She wrote something on it and put it my pocket. “Bye Bryan.” She got in the cab and told the driver where to go. When she drove of I pulled the little piece of paper that she gave me out of my pocket.

020 7546 2315
but for you only Liz :) <3

I smiled and put the note back in my pocket. I sighed when the reality starts to sink in. Dolores is here. In London, and I cheated on her. I felt so bad for it and for lying to Liz. I realized I need to tell the truth. To both of them. I pulled over a cab and told the driver to drop me off at the Savoy hotel.

~Elizabeth's POV~

When the cab stopped in front of my house and I went to pay the driver he said that it's already been paid. I smiled. I need to remember to say thanks to Bryan. I greeted the driver and hurried up the stairs to mine and Lara's apartment. When I got home Lara was already sleeping tight in her bed. I pulled the covers over her and went back to my room.

I put on my PJ's and got in the bed. I couldn't sleep. I kept repeating tonight's events in my head. The concert; Bryan; the kiss. When Bryan kissed me, it felt like everything stopped. I never felt like that. Nobody ever made me feel like that. My heart hasn't stop beating like crazy since our lips met. The lyrics of one of the songs that Bryan and his band played came across my mind.

'Is it the way that you laugh that's causin' me to freak? is it the way that you kiss, it's gotta be the way you taste, you taste, you taste, you taste...'

I sang it in my head over and over in my head and thought of Bryan and the kiss we shared. I felt my eyelids get heavy and I fell asleep.

~Bryan's POV~

I found Dolores sitting on a bench in front of the hotel.
When she saw me she jumped up and hugged me. „Brybear!“
I unwrapped her hands from my waist and stepped back.

„Brybry what's wrong?“ She pouted.
„Lo we need to talk.“
„O-okay.“ I sat down on the bench and she did the same.
„Lo, I cheated on you.“ Her face changed from worried to sad to angry.
„You did what?!“ She yelled and got up.
I got up too and tried to explain but she stopped me before I could say anything. „You swore you never did! You lied to me all this time?!?“ Her hand met with mine cheek and I felt my cheek burn.

I looked at her, her teeth were clenched and she was crying. I was sad to see her like this but I don't regret kissing Liz. „Look, Lo, I'm so sorry. It just happened once.“ I sighed. „Lo, you know I care about you, but, but not in the way you think or the way you care about me. This relationship isn't going anywhere. We don't love each other.“
„W-what are you s-saying?“ She muttered.
„I think we should brake up.“ Her sobs got louder.
„I'm sorry Lo. I really am.“ I said.
„I'm sorry too.“ She said and she took her bags. „Goodbye Bryan.“

I just looked at here while she was leaving. I couldn't say or do anything. I felt so bad but I knew it was the right thing to do. Now I needed to tell Elizabeth i had a girlfriend when I kissed her. I can already see her get mad at me and telling me that she never wants to see me again. Well it kinda serves me right. I sighed and got in the hotel and went straight to my room. I decided to tell Liz tomorrow.

*The same day – 4pm*

When I woke up I didn't know what to do first. I decided to shower and eat breakfast and then call Liz. When I got out of the shower I was thinking of the best way to say this to her. For breakfast I had some Cocoa Puffs and drank a cup of coffee. When I was done I took the piece of paper from my pocket that Elizabeth gave me and my phone and dialed the number.

After it rang three times she answered. „Hello?“
„Bryan? Hi!.“ She sounded happy.
„Can we talk? But in person.“
„Sure! When?“
„How 'bout in half an hour at that Starbucks that we passed yesterday?“
„'Kay! See you there.“ Just as I was about to hang up Liz talked again. „Hey Bry is everything okay? You sound kinda sad.“ She asked worriedly.
„Yeah, everything is fine.“ I lied. „So see you in half an hour.“
„See you.“ I hung up.

I got ready in ten minutes and called the cab service. When I entered Starbucks I spotted Liz at one of the booths and I joined her.

„Hey Bryan!“ She grinned.
„Hi Liz.“ I put on a fake smile.
„So what is the thing you wanted to tell me.“ She tilted her head a little and smiled warmly to me.
I hesitated. I was afraid of her reaction. I inhaled deeply and started talking. „Liz, w-when we kissed..“ I stopped and tried to form a normal sentence.
„Yes?“ She encouraged me to talk. “Just say it Bryan, whatever it is I promise I won’t get mad.”

“When we kissed I was still in a relationship.” I muttered. “She was the one who called me. She came to London to see me. Things between us haven’t been so good lately and I was planning to break up with her when I came back home. I didn’t expect to meet a girl the night of the last show and that she would crawl under my skin so quickly. I’m not trying to justify myself, I know what I did was wrong. I don’t know what made me kiss you, but honestly I don’t regret it.” I lifted my head to see her expression. She didn’t seem mad, or disappointed.

She saw me looking at her waiting for her response and she finally spoke. “What did you tell her?”
“I told her the truth and I told her that things between us aren’t working at that it would be best for us to break up.”
She nodded. “Are you mad at me?” I asked.

She looked at me surprised. “Why would I be mad? No I’m not, I’m actually glad you told your girlfriend the truth. Not a lot of people would do that. And I’m glad you told me too.” She smiled. “You know Bryan, you are a really nice guy, and I really like you. And, believe me, I don’t say that to a lot of guys, especially the ones I know for not even a day.” She giggled.

I smiled. “I really like you too Liz.” I leaned closer to her. Our lips were barely two inches apart. My eyes wondered from her beautiful big, hazel eyes to her pale, full lips. She closed the small distance between us and I felt her lips press against mine.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry that it took me so long to update but I really didn't know what to write and it just came over me today. :)
Hope you like it and hope you comment it :))
I don't know if I should continue writing this story..Tell me what you think?
Happy New Year to everyone in advance I hope you have a lot of fun and a lot of happiness and awesomeness in the new 2011! xD ♥
Peace and Love to you all!

Word count: 1664